Chapter 12

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Im ready to end this book so I can say this is my first finished book and be proud. There will be a few more chapter. so enjoy!!


Lukes pov

      My head was killing me. I was woken up by the sun in my face and the birds singing there songs. Any other day that would be great. But when your hungover thats the last thing you want trust me. I moved my hands to block the sun from my eyes. I barely remembered anything. It hurt to think so I just left it at that. Right now all I needed was to have a nice warm shower, some water, and a hell of a lot of pills.

   I grownde will getting out of bed. I didnt want to participate in life today at all. The only bright side is that I can see Chloe. I've learned to accept the fact that i like her. I took slow steady steeps to the bathroom. Now that my head ache has calmed down a little I was really wondering what had happened last night.

   I got into the shower and used this as my time to think. "I remember leaving the party and....." I muttered. Then It all hit me at once. Every single thing that happened last night.

  "Hey Luke?" Chloe whisperer in my ear. My hands were around her waist and her arms around my neck. 

  "Yeah I whisperer back."  "I have an idea, how about we ditch this party and have some real fun." I pulled back a little so I could see her face. She wore the biggest grin on her face and I couldnt say no. She looked so happy.

  "Sure" She quickly grabbed my hand pulling me towards the double doors. I looked back to see if anyone was looking or wondering where we were but no one even noticed. Once we made it out of the room she started laughing. Her laugh echoed through the hallways. She started running.

  "Come on luke!" She hollord over her shoulders. I ran to catch up to her and soon enough we were in my room. " Hey luke." She said in a sing song voice. This did get me wondering why she was acting this way. But I let it slid since she looked happy.

  We were both sitting criss crossed apple sauce on my carpeted floor. " I have a surprise for you so close your eyes and stick your hand out." I did as told and felt a cold wet can being placed in my hands. I opened my eyes and didnt expect to see a beer in it. 

  I looked back at her with shock clear across my face. She still had the biggest smile on her face. I looked between her and the can a few more times. "So do you like it." She looked so hopeful and I couldnt bring my self to tell her how dumb this was.

  "I love it." I said with fake enthusiasm. She believed it and pulled out a few more cans. "Well drink up silly boy." She giggled. "How did you even get this in my room Chloe?"   "I have the key to every room." She told me in a duh tone. "Ill  be right back ok." I went to the bathroom and did my business while thinking of every thing that just happened.

  I came back into the room smelling something funny. I sniffed the air. I turned towards Chloe "Hey,  do you sme...." I cut my self of. A mixture and surprise and disgust. There sat Chloe. On the floor holding a rolled up peice of paper smoking it.

 ( Ok guys I dont know alot about drugs so I just made my own. It would feel like being high and you cant really control your actions, but I t doesnt look like you took drugs so your eyes are blood shot or anything)

    "What the hell are you doing Chloe." She looked at me with innocent eyes and jut shrugged. "Im just having fun Luke come join me." She patted the spot next to her. This time I stayed strong. " No chloe put that shit out I raised me voice." 

"But Luke." She tried to persuade me.

"No Chloe, its one thing bringing beer into my room since we are BOTH underage, but bringing drugs is something completely different." I was trying my best to not scream since I didnt want someone to walk in. "Now put it put. I said in a much deeper more intimidating voice.

  Fine she huffed puting it out in an ash tray. She looked annoyed and angry. I sat next to her. I picked up my beer and took a long swing of it.  She didnt talk to me and still looked annoyed with me.

  I sighed talking one more long drink of my beer. "Listen chloe." I sighed. "Drugs will ruin you life ok." I went on with a longer speech. Her eyes softened and she sighed. She thanked me and asked if she could at least have a can of beer. I just shrugged my shoulder as she got one.

  "Where did you even get it from." I asked opening my next beer. 

  " Well I ran into some people I used to know. They told me it would help me relax so I bought it. I took some before the party and thats why I seemed so relaxed and cool." She laughed.

  No wonder she was acting to weird before. 30 minutes have passed and I was drunk. As drunk as you could get. The next thing I knew me and Chloe were on the bad. She was straddling my waist and my hands were in the hair. We were in a full on make out session. All I remember was her taking off her clothes and me taking mine off.  

 I gasped did me and chloe have sex? Millions of thought were running through my mind all at once. I was starting to freak out. I jumped out the shower rushing to find any clothes I could. I needed to talk to her and get this sorted out. The one time I think everything is going great this happens.  I was rushing out the door asking anyone if they knew where she was at. I had to find her and now.

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