Chapter 9

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Luke's. P.O.V

Her laugh was contagious. Know we were sitting at one of the tables outside. Me sipping on my coffee and her on her hot chocolate. She looked slightly embarrassed after what happened a few seconds ago inside the cafe.

She was chasing me. I could hear her laughing. That made my smile grow even more.She was amazing, and beautiful, and smart. I could tell she liked to keep to herself, and it made me happy that she would spend this time with me.

I was to caught up in my thought to notice that we were getting closer to the cafe, and people were crowding around. I stopped running, but Chloe must have been going to fast because the next thing I knew she was running into everyone, and spilling people coffee on them.

I couldn't hold in my laugh even if I tried. My laugh was loud, very loud. Or so I have been told. They must have been right since most people were staring at me. I still laughed anyways, I didn't care much about what they thought of me. I tried to find Chloe. I looked left and then right but I didn't see her. I then spotted her inside the cafe already waiting in line.

I walked right next to her. "That was funny." I laughed. She must have not seen what just happened since she had a serious face the whole time. "So what are you getting." I didn't get a response. Not this I sighed. She was giving me the silent treatment.

I didn't know how to get her attention so I started to poke her. The line was pretty long so I knew this would be a good 10 minute wait.

"Chloe" Poke

"Chloe" Poke again

"Chloe" Poke again

She rolled her eyes but didn't say a word. I was starting to get annoyed. I knew I was annoying her but I needed something to so annoying that she would have to say something.

I wrapped by long arms around her waist and placed my head on her shoulder. Yup this was my amazing plan to get her to talk to me. I could tell I scared her by the way she slightly jumped.

She tried to wiggle out of my arms but I held her tighter.

"I will let you go if you start talking to me," I told her. "Plus its not my fault I laughed, that was funny."

She tried to wiggle one more time. But once she saw I wasn't budging she let out a loud groan.

"Fine" she said defeated. I pulled my arms away from holding her and punched one fist in the air in victory. My head was looking up, but I quickly looked down at her and saw a little smile playing on her lips

We were next in line and i ordered a coffee and her a hot coco.

Now here we are sitting outside, talking.

All I can say, is that today was a great day.

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