Ekko With a Sleep Deprived S/O

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             🥀Pairing:Ekko x Reader🥀

•At first Ekko thought your tiredness was because you were on heavy patroll duty these days and its was kinda cute that you were always leaning against him during random times at day, either being to sleep or just zone out

•But after some time he started noticing that everyday you started to look and function basically like zombie of sorts

•Not only that but he also noticed how you were really distracted, specially after you almost fell out of you hoverboard at least 7 times in one day

•His first thought was that you were just overworking youself on your projects and said that you should give yourself a break

•And you trying to explain to him than most of the times the sleep just didn't came to you, and you just decided to not waste time trying to sleep and doing something useful instead

•Of course he didnt buy into that and just said that it was not a good thing, not only for your physical and mental health

•But also how could you help him the way you wanted if you couldn't even handle yourself standing up sometimes

•You tried to make him fell less worried saying that it was good that you were awake at night when everyone else was asleep cause that way there would be always someone taking care of things

•But the last straw for him was when you almost passed out out of exaustation and said that you would be fine as you could easily live without sleeping for 24?48 hours? you lost the count at this point

•But you said in your almost sleeping state that a slice of bread and a fresh cup of juice were enough for you to manage all this time being awake

•Thas when Ekko went "oh hell nah" and dismissed every project and assignment you had for the day, of course he loved your help, but he prefered to be with you when you were awake and in a good state

•If you had serious sleeping problems he'd ask the healers of the sanctuary to try and make you stuff to help on getting you relaxed and sleepy

•But even if that didn't work he'd try and steal some sleeping medicine in Piltover for you

•He'd clean his whole schedule doing everything he needed in the morning so he could help you with activities to make you tired throughout the day

•Would use all the weight and warmth in his body to trap you under him in the bed to prevent you from getting up in the middle of the night to work

•He's sooo comfortable to sleep with let me tell you

•And of course he could help you get tired in other ways *wink*

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