I Thought You Were Gone (Ekko)

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             🥀Pairing:Ekko x Reader🥀
            ⚠️TW:mentions of bad thoughts
                           and giving up⚠️

Things were going crazy in both sides of the bridge recently.

With Silco doing more deals with shimmer, meaning more shipments where sent and recieved everyday, Jinx stealing Hextech and now with Vi coming back from what everybody thought was the dead and bringing a piltie with her, Ekko was going crazy.

Of course he had you by his side for everything he needed, specially when it came to taking decisions involving the sanctuary while he was away, and thats what he had tasked you with before going to what you thought was some kind of suicide mission.

You never really been to Piltover yourself for long times, nor have you talked to someone from there besides your new "friend" Caitlyn, but it was common knowledge that they never had good thoughts abou any undercity folk.

So, in contrary to what he had made you swear not to do you gave the leader function to Scar and went after them, as you had a bad feeling on your gut about the whole situation.

When you arrived at the bridge it was kinda late as some type of combat seemed to have happened between them and some enforcers that were now lifeless on the ground, but as you were starting to get worried you finally saw Ekko fighting Jinx in the middle of the bridge.

He was handling everything with such maestry that you thought he would not need your help, but you soon saw you were mistaken when, upon thinking he had the upper hand he got distracted enough not to notice the blue haired girls arming a bomb right beside them.

Your actions were quicker than your thoughts when you suddently went with your hoverboard right in the direction of the bomb, separating both of them in the process, but it was obvious you did it out of pure instinct not thinking about having a literall bomb on your hands, you tried to throw it on the river but it was to late.

"Y/N NO!" was the last thing you heard before you lost your senses.

If Ekko was already mad at Jinx now he was enraged, not letting himself be distracted this time he continued to hit JInx until he was sure she was unconcious, he wanted to hurt her further, but he wansn't like the monsters of the undercity he swore to destroy.

He went down the bridge as fast es he could, not caring anymore about the stupid gemstone or Vi's shouts on the other side of the smoke curtain, his heart was beatting as fast as ever as he tried to look out for you in the dark waters, only for an unexpected shot on his foot made him lose his balance and fall on the concrete floor below him.

Now disabled and afraid that something worse might have actually happened to you he tried as much as he could to stay quiet in the middle of his panick atack as to not make himself known to Silco's goons that were up the bridge, only hoping that by a miracle you were going to appear in front of him safe and sound, or that a firelight would come looking for him.


In the following week after Heimerdinger helped him get safely back into the sanctuary he couldn't do anything besides cry and shout at everyone that even dared to metion your name in his presence.

He kept screaming at Scar on the first hours after he came back for letting you go out after him, his friend only heard with his mouth shut, he knew Ekko would prefer the worst torture, prefer to kill himself instead of having to lose you, he didnt gave him a comforting speech either, he knew it wasnt what his friend needed now.

The following days only seemed to get worse, shit hit the fan when Jinx exploded the council, which made him blame himself even more for not trying to get the gem back, and he missed you, he missed your touch, your scent, your voice, the way that if you were there beside him right now you would have made him feel better with your comforting words and reassuring touches all over him.

He couldn't eat anymore, sleep anymore, he lost himself on an abyss of sadness, he just couldn't handle your loss anymore as he only thought of giving everything up, but when he was about to go to the upper floor of his chambers Scar bolted through the door saying that Ekko needed to go to the sewer doors.

Scar ignored his friend's demands to just leave him alone and promptly dragged him all the way down the three on a hoverboard against his will, his tiredness were slowly going back to anger when he saw the most unexpected but also relieving sigh he have seen in his entire life.

You slowly made your way through the curious crowd of firelights that were just as surprised as him by your return, upon seeing your state, with bandages all over your body and a cane helping you to move it was clear that you were on your worst shape, but the only thing that mattered to him was that you were alive.

He immediatly ran to hug you "Oh my fucking god Y/N is it really you? Fuck I though you were gone for good i just-" "O-ow babe" "Oh shit I'm really sorry i hurt you, but is just...i thought you were...but now youre here and, and" You embraced him through his tears as carefully as possible not no hurt yourself even further but giving your lover the confort he was needing after what seemed to be the worse days of his life.

"Come on, help me get upstairs so you can take proper care of me and i can explain to you what happened, sounds good?"

"Sounds just perfect"

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