Soulmate AU Ekko Headcanons

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✨Requested On:Wattpad
🥀Pairing:Ekko x Reader🥀

•When he was a child it always made him exited to know that one day he would lock eyes with his soulmate and the world would be a magical mix of colors

•Of course he knew they probably wouldn't meet until he was older, but it didn't hurt to dream right?

•But his dreams were sadly forgotten after he decided to take the lead and create the firelights

•Is an understatement that he was a busy man, but sometimes he couldn't stop himself from looking at random people's eyes in the street or in the middle of a fight

•There where nights where he'd be really hopeful that someone would randomly appear in the sanctuary and give him the magical life he dreamed as a child

•But on other nights he couldn't help but think about the possibility of his soulmate being already dead, as things in Zaun got harder after Silco started ruling the city

•Which was his friends Scar's case, lost his beloved in the middle of the war leaving him to take care of his child alone

•In the past few days with Jinx (who at some point he was really sad that it wasn't his soulmate) making his life harder by the day, it wasn't something that he though bout often

•Until one day the firelights had a conflict near the sewers, where he found not only Jinx, but apparently Vi two other woman who looked a like but he couldn't recognize

•By the time they got back to the hideout Vi had explained the whole situation to Ekko after she freed herself from the cuffs

•So apparently upon trying to solve a case the piltie, as he refused to call the one and only Caitlyn Kiramman by her name, met Vi in prison, which got them both surprised to realize they were soulmates

•After all the explanations, Caitlyn demanded they release her sister, y/n Kiramman, who only got involved in this mess trying to help Cait

•Ekko was still not so happy about the situation but finally went to free you as Vi said you would probably be scared of being kidnapped

•Well, much to Vi's surprise and Ekko's annoyance, you seemed to be an even hotter head than Caitlyn, immediately threatening the people that just entered the room as you could only  hear footsteps getting near you

•Ekko aproached you not wanting to deal with your threatning tantrum over you kidnappers, starting to lift the bag that covered your face

•"You know, if it wasn't for Vi and your sister i'd be so happy to shut that smart mouth of yo-"

•Then suddently everything around you changed

•You could see that the boy in front of you had the same shocked reaction, while his friends were untying you, the both of you could only stare at each other

•Vi knew exactly what typw of look you guys had in your eyes, and Cait was trying really hard not to laugh at your expression

•Ekko didn't know why but he instanly helped you getting up, still looking deeply into your eyes

•Even if he wanted to fight with you for your immense bickering, the whole situation just felt so right

•And strangely enough, he saw that you felt the same

•"That was...uh...really unexpected" you said trying not to make the whole situation akward

•"It definetly is" he laughed shyly "I supose we need to have a talk about this, right?"

•"Oh hell yeah we do"

•He made his way out of the room you have been previously been held "captive", not beeing able to hold the sight that left his lips upon seeing how beautiful and etheral the sanctuary looked

•You, for the second time today , was in the same state of awe, as even if you lived in Piltover your whole life, you've never been able to properly appreciate the beauty of the glourious buildings and gardens that sorrounded you everyday

•He asked Scar to lead Cait and Vi to a room where they'd be spending the night, quickly asking you to follow him to his room on the top of the threes, helping you in his hoverboard

•Things could get solved later, now he was going to give his full attention to the person that seemed to be his child hope

A/N:Hey guys! So, it's been a while, i know, and i'm really sorry for it, but aside mental health issues some of you gave me really amazing requests that have been written and re-written, but i was just never satisfied with them, and definetly didn't want to disapoint you guys wiyh a bad witten fic, so i will be doing the headcanons requests first and hopefully the longer fics will be soon uploaded in their best form, love yall and thank you for being patient

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