Ekko and Mel with a Musician S/O

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🥀Pairings:Ekko x Reader;
                Mel Medarda x Reader🥀

•I can see you and Ekko actually meeting you in one of your gigs

•It would definitely be one of his favorites music styles

•But what really made him more attracted to you was all the emotion you put in the lyrics while singing

•He didn't felt such connection with someone in a long while

•So after the show ended he fought his way into the crowd just so he could talk to you

•After that he became a regular in every presentation your band had

•Always cheering and sometimes even screaming the lyrics with you

•When you guys finally started dating oh boy he'd be showing you around to everyone he could

•"Have you ever been to a show as amazing as my partner's?" "Have you ever heard a voice so beautifull such as them?" "Well not to brag but is not everyday that you date a superstar ya know"

•And he never ends with the compliments lol

•If he doesn't knew already he'd definitely ask you to teach him how to play the guitar, which would turn into cute musical dates

•Always matching your style in gigs to be recognized as the vocalists boyfriend

•Once or twice made a joke about being your groupie lol


•You probably met Mel the same way but in diferent circumstances

•Probably Jayce had begged her to go with him and Victor to a presentation that was taking place in one of Piltover's venues

•Even if it wasn't necesarily her type of music she obliged his pleads after he offered to help her with council paperwork for two weeks

•When they arrived there she saw how right she was just by looking at the crowd

•But what she didn't expect was to see someone as beautiful as you walk up to the stage and sing the most deep and meaningfull songs she ever heard

•Not only that but with a voice that even her favourite opera singers could never compare

•After the show ended she used her councilour privilege to ask for a private meeting with you

•After some small talk she invited you to dinner and you guys just hit it off right away

•She'd always get vip tickets for you to your favorite bands and also for her in your gigs

•I can strike her as a piano person, so duets like

•End of the Begining by Jason Becker are common dates for you

•Always taking you to dinner on your favorite place after gigs

•Lots of nights where she'd ask you to sing her to sleep

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