Mel Overworking Herself Headcanons

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               ✨Requested On:Wattpad
      🥀Pairing:Mel Medarda x Reader🥀

•You knew what you were signing for when you started dating Councilwoman Medarda

•From the long sessions they had throughout the day making desicions to help on the city improvment, to the tiring nights where she would spend hours on end doing piles of paperwork

•It wasn't uncommon for her to give you excuisite gifts to try and compensate for all the time she spent working

•From expensive clothing, to spa days with exotic treatmnets, to the best reservations in the whole city, the best seats on your favorite artists concert and so on

•But what was the point of enjoying the best a person could ever dream for if you were doing it alone?

•It always took a lot to convince her to step away from her work even for a brief moment

•But after all this time you learned how to have your way with her

•The days where you'd gladly force her to have a rest where the ones where all the important meetings with the council would be happening in the morning

•After a brief lunch with you, she excused herself to her private office to continue with the never ending paper work pile, just how you planned

•You gave her some time to work on her stuff as if you had something better to do, but after a while you put your plan in action

•You entered the room trying to make as little noise as possible, of course you were going to disturb her, but you wanted to make it an efective surprise

•You slowly made your way towards the back of her chair and crept your hands up her forearms to her shoulders, startling her

•"Oh by the gods Y/N, don't do that againg while i'm concentraded please!" as she put her hand over where her heart was definetly beating faster after the light scare

•"I'm so sorry love, I just couldn't help myself, you look so pretty when you're focused" you now rubbed her shoulders with firm hands as she left little sights of pleasure with this much needed massage

•"I know what you're trying to do darling, and sadly it is not going to oh-" she cut herself after you pressed on a spot that was in need of attention

•"Oh come on honey, you've been on this same council quests for days! Why don't you leave some of the tiring work to Kiramman for example? You know how that woman love to have control over this kind of stuff" Never stopping with yous mannerisms towards her spine now

•"You little menace, maybe, just maybe, i'm in need of a break, but not for long though, some of this needs to be approved only by me"

•When the both of you finally made your way out of the room and towards her private spa area you kept promissing all the way there that nothing would take more than an hour

•But contrary to her own demands, after a facial and a much needed professional massage, while the both of you were on the huge hot bathtub she drifted off to sleep quickly

•You got closer and let her lay on your shoulder

•Of course you'd tease her later for being right about her overworking herself most of the times

•But for now you were happy with the time you were spending helping your girlfriend

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