dear billy

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part two

Steve doesn't take the fact that he's not going into the facility with Nancy and Robin well, stuck in his words, babysitting again.

Daphne was beginning to get frustrated at the use of words, knowing damn well that she better not be what he's classing as babysitting.

The older Henderson can't help but feel a pang of jealousy as Steve storms after Nancy to plead his case, her knee bobbing with anxiety which gets Robin's attention, ushering her over to speak to her.

"What?" Daphne asks as she moves to the corner of the room, away from the kids.

"What is going on with you and Harrington?" Robin asks with a broad smile on her face. "Seriously, this-" she motions with her hand as she points up the stairs and back to Daphne, "is so out of the blue."

"There's nothing going on," Daphne looks at the judgement on her friends face and groans, "nothing has happened! but I- I don't know, I feel something to him and it's driving me crazy!" Daphne whisper-shouts to her friend, emphasising the frustration in her voice. "I mean, God, Steve The Hair Harrington." Daphne sticks a finger down her throat, audibly gagging at herself.

Her friend tuts as she pulls Daphne's finger from her throat and pushing it away. Amused at her theatrics, not at all surprised considering she spent the majority of school ignoring the presence of all those rich, popular kids.

"I love it, I mean, I sensed it a little but I just love it—"

"Robin," Daphne grumped, "we're in the middle of an apocalypse, now is not the time. plus, pretty sure he's still into Nancy." Daphne shrugged, playing it cool as best she could.

The brunette didn't understand how in 48 hours she had become so attached to someone she could barely be in the same room as prior. Never mind someone who wasn't over his ex. Or someone who hung around with her little brother. But she felt safe around him, a feeling she lacked on a day to day basis.

Especially after learning about all the monsters that go bump in the night.

"Ugh," Robin rolled her head back as she listened to her best friend make up excuses, "I mean; sure, Steve has never really got over Nancy I guess," a stab to Daphne's chest, "but that was years ago and I have never seen him like how he's being with you." Robin smirks, "All gooey, embarrassed and nervous. I don't know what's worse, watching him flirt and fail, or watching him all fumbly." She shuddered.

"Yeah, that was really encouraging," Daphne rolls her eyes again, Robin shoving her as she runs upstairs to see the two.

Daphne slumps back on the sofa, placing her head on Dustin's shoulder as he continues to map out theories and read newspapers.

"You okay, daph?" The younger Henderson asks, not taking his eyes off the paper in front of him.

"Tired, so tired," Daphne pouts, Lucas agreeing as he spreads himself back.

Time passes as Robin and Nancy leave, the group lounging around as Max continues to write in the corner.

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