Chapter 20

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Victoria rambled about how amazing her grandparent are and how they are so excited to see me.

"I've never brought any guys home, so please be prepared for them asking if we're together."

Would it be so bad to say we are?

"They are worried I'm gonna be alone again."


The word spilled out of my mouth before I had a chance to process my question.

"Sir we will be taking off soon."

I nodded towards the stewardess keeping my eyes on Victoria. I wanted to know her story. I wanted to know her. I wanted to figure out how I can always make her smile. How to comfort her when she cries. I wanted to know every inch of her. Mentally and Physically.

Victoria looked down and fiddled with her fingers. She was contemplating on answering me. 

"When I was 8 I called my grandparents and asked if they could order me pizza...I hadn't ate in a couple of days. My parents where gone. This happened a lot. they would come and everything would be okay for a week then they would disappear."

I didn't make a move. I just listened intently. I watched her eyes become distant as she relived memories she wanted to forget.

"Granddad called a wellness check to make sure I was okay."

She smiled at the memory and laughed a little bit.

"The officer brought pizza and sat with me, it wasn't un common for kids to be home alone in my neighborhood."

Victoria smiled at me and moved a lock of hair behind her ear.

"This is such a debby downer story! Let me just tell you about where my grandparents live!"

I took her hand and pulled her close to me. 

"I hate when you fake smile Victoria."

I felt her grip my shirt and sniffle. 

"Never fake smile with me."

The plane landed and Victoria begged me to let her grandparents pick us up. I had a car waiting to drive us to their house but she said she didn't want to make such a scene. 

"Look there's grandpas truck!"

I grabbed our bags while calming my nerves.



An older gentlemen came out of the truck and threw his arms around Victoria. He was tall and held a huge smile on his face. He let her go and looked towards me.

"Well, you look just like your father."

That's right they use to do business together.

"Hello Sir, its great to meet you, thank you for inviting me to your home."

"Well I'm glad you came, I wasn't sure you would, I want to talk to you about your intentions with Victoria."

"Granddad no!"

"I would love to talk to you about that,"

Victoria stared at me wide eye while I tried my best to keep a straight face.

"Good, now come on, my wife is finishing up dinner. I hope you like comfort food James!"

"He loves it, he took me out to eat at this restaurant outside of the city and it was amazing!"

"Oh did he? I can't believe my little vic is going back out on dates again."

"It was a business dinner, but he was a gentlemen nonetheless."

After a 20 min drive and answering questions about my company and if I'm overworking "Vic" we arrived a cottage type two story florida home. Victoria grinned at me and pulled me out of the truck. 

"Welcome to the best part of my childhood!" 

I grabbed our suitcases out of the trunk bed and followed her and her granddad towards the home.


"Oh Vic you're here!" 

Her grandma was short just like her and had a shoulder length gray hair. She held such a sweet aura about her. I felt something stir inside me, something I've been trying to ignore since Victoria came into my life but being here has shown me I can't. Victoria feels like home and I've been home sick for far too long.

"And this handsome man must be James."

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt frail arms wrap around me. 

"I'm so happy Victoria isn't alone anymore."

I looked at Victoria and her cheeks where tinted that beautiful shade of red I loved on her. 

"I'll never leave her alone."

It was true. I can't leave her. I don't want too. I'd prefer to always be home. 

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