Chapter 9

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"So James is Victoria the reason why you don't want to try again with me?"

I coughed taken aback by her abrupt notion. She chuckled and took a bite of her spring roll.

"My oh my James you're still so shy when it comes to your feelings, do you remember when you first asked me out?

How could I forget.

"My tie was Tennessee orange."

Catherine laughed and I couldn't help but join her. This was the Catherine I always wanted. Carefree loving kind.

"I hated it!" She said resting her head in her hand.

"You still said yes."

She nodded her head and sipped her lemon water.

"The tie was awful but your face and kind smile was overwhelming, how could I say no?"

I looked away quickly and kept my attention on my melting ice. She always has a reason behind everything she does. Why did she come back all of a sudden? I don't believe she just wants us to get back together. Life isn't that simple. No, there has to be more to this.

"My lunch break is almost over, care to tell me the real reason you've come?"

"I'll be attending the gala in Dubai, we will talk than."

She stood up and dusted herself off.

"Perhaps by than you'll be more willing to work on us."

I ignored her comment and dialed my driver.

"Will you need a ride back to your hotel or are you staying at your parents home?"

"My ride is already outside waiting, Thank you James for lunch."

I stood up holding my hand out but she pushed it away and hugged me.

"My God am I the reason you've become so mean?"

Should I lie to save her feelings? She never saved mine.


I felt her stiffen and move her arms from around me.

"I'm sorry."

Sorry? No she isn't.

I left money on the table for the bill and followed behind her.

When we got outside she waved goodbye and got inside her vehicle with a solemn look on her face. I called my driver and told him to bring the car all the while dreading going back to the office.

I got back to the office and tried to sneak past Stella.

"When I'm done with this call, we're talking Mr. Worthington."

I ignored her and continued into my office. I stepped inside and almost pissed myself when I saw Victoria sitting on my office chair.

"I thought I would bring in the Jacob Mayer project, I hope you don't mind but I told him to go home he was exhausted."

I didn't know what to say, I sat in my chair and just looked towards her. She was looking me in the eyes and sitting up straight. She wasn't nervous or fidgety. She was all business.

"Thank you."

I wanted to punch myself in the face. Thank you? Why didn't I apologize!?

"Well Mark and I will be working all night so I'm going to go home feed my puppy clean up and cook dinner so we'll have something to eat."


She jumped at my sudden outburst.

" that okay? Can I leave early?"

Leave early? She thinks I care about the leaving early part?

"I don't care if you leave early, why is mark coming to your home tonight??"

Her eyebrow rose and she folded her arms.

"Are you kidding me? To work on my project we have a lot of work to do and not a lot of time."

I was starting to get annoyed. Does she not see that her and Marks relationship bothers me??

"The office will stay open for you to work Victoria he doesn't need to come to your home."

"I know that but, my puppy is only 5 weeks old he is a rescue and I don't like leaving him home all day."

I sighed and looked at my schedule.

"Mark isn't going to your home, Use the company card order from any restaurant even if they don't deliver mention my name they will, I'll watch the pup tonight."

Her eyes lit up and she smiled that goofy smile I missed.

"Really you'll watch bruce!?"

"You named your puppy bruce?"

She nodded her head and took her phone out and showed me the picture of an all black pit.

"When did you adopt a pitbull?"

She stood up smirking.

"Mark and I went to the humane society and got him, make sure you come by my house at 5:30 to pick Bruce up."

"You're spending a lot of time with Mark."

She walked towards the door and turned around.

"That's because you've become far to busy for me James, see you at 5:30 don't stand Bruce up."

When she walked out I decided Mark is going to be to busy to work with her tonight. I quickly called Stella and told her to task Mark with finishing the books for his department. I was going to make up for lunch today and help her. I sighed and rubbed my face. I missed when Victoria only trusted me. I just wanted to be selfish with her. Is that wrong?

A/N---- My son is now 5months and sleeping through the night! I have free time again! Please forgive me!! I'll be updating more and more!!

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