Chapter 16

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After showering and changing my suit I checked the time. If I'm late i'll have to hear my mothers rant about being timely. I called my chauffeur and told him to meet me downstairs. I left my room walking towards the elevators. I have meetings all evening and a opening event tonight. Galleria will be there tonight and I need him to sign off on the hotel proposal in Japan.

"You're very focused."

I looked up from my phone and saw a women with red hair and emerald green eyes. stunning.

"I have to be."

The elevators door opened and I gestured for her to enter first. she smiled and walked in ahead of me and I followed suit.

"Here on business?"

I looked at her and smirked. She wore a long sleeved burgundy dress with a slit on the side. clearly she didn't care about the culture here.

"What gave it away?"

" You're as rigid as a board, you seem like you could use a release."

I chuckled at her boldness and decided to play on.

"Yes I do, I plan on releasing some stress when I get back to the states."

"Why wait?"

Her eyes danced with mischief and tenacity. I was her prey and she would be relentless in her attack.

The elevators door opened and I once again gestured for her to exit first.

"Have a lovely day miss..?"


I gave her once last smile and headed towards my car. My chaffeur was waiting with the door opened and an eyebrow raised.

"Don't ask and just head to coya Richard."

He chuckled and closed the door.

when we got to the restaurant it was 12:35. I spoke to the hostess and she guided me to the table where my mother well as Catherine.


Catherine stood up greeting me whiling waving the hostess off.

"We already ordered for you son, come sit we have much to discuss."

I sat down feeling numb. Why would my mother do this?

"Catherine's father is selling the company and wants you to run it."


My mother took my hand squeezing it and looked at Catherine who was staring at me with anticipation.

"James my father is old and he is ready to retire but he needs someone who will take over his company and keep it successful, that's you love."

I laughed and took my hand away from my mother.

"You can run that company just fine, your father doesn't need me."

"I need you James."

I looked at her. The determination in her eyes said it all. The need wasn't for love.

"You need my influence and my clients."

My mother shook her head at me and glared.

"James Catherine loves you, we've been speaking for months now and she is hurting because she needs you!"

I scoffed. My naive mother.

"It's okay Vivienne, James needs time."

"You're wrong Catherine I don't need time, I won't marry you."

I stood up preparing to leave.

"Is it because of the girl?"

"What girl James?"

I looked at my mother and than Catherine. She was fuming.


I don't care anymore. It's her. I don't know what I feel but, she is the reason.

I left the restaurant and got in the car deciding to call Victoria. I didn't check the time. I just wanted to hear her.


"Victoria how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine James, Its 3am here."

I sighed. I shouldn't have called.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to remind you to water my office plant."

What a dumb excuse I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

I heard her chuckle and sigh.

"It's okay to say you miss me."

I wanted too. I really did. But if I said that I would be solidifying my feelings for her.

"Jesus Mark look in my linen closet its not that cold in here!"

Mark was there??

"Why the hell is mark there!?"

I couldn't hold in my annoyance and I didn't want too.

"We leave tomorrow and I was finishing projects that he needed to be here for."

I clenched the phone and tried to hold in my anger.

"Of course, this is just all business anyways, sorry for bothering you so early in the morning good bye."

I hung up. I was wrong for calling. I'll never be there for her like Mark. He will always be around. She didn't need me. Honestly she never did. I need to stop this nonsense.

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