Chapter 14

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I didn't sleep at all last night. I kept mulling over the fact that I didn't say goodbye. I entered my private jet and sat down.

"Hello Mr. Worthington, I'll be your flight attendant for this trip, Ms. Smith dropped this by!"

I took the box from her hands and opened it. It was the book I've been reading and the bookmark she bought me with a note.

"I saw this on your desk, I figured you would be mad you forgot it -Victoria"

I was mad. I forgot to bring it home. She knows me too well.

"Sir we'll be taking off soon."

I nodded my head and took my phone out of my pocket.

I decided to tell Stella to call the hotel and have dinner prepared for me tomorrow.

Stella: Mr. Worthington, I was just going to call!

"What's wrong?"

Stella: Victoria got in a car accident! She's in the hospital!

My stomach dropped.

"I'm....I'm already taking off."

Stella: I know...I'll send her flowers for you.

That's not enough.

"That's not enough, I'm going to turn back."

Stella: You can't...Your mother is going to be there and they're deciding to present your merger.

shit. shit!

"Is anyone there with her?"

Stella became quiet and I knew what was coming next.

Stella:.....Mark has been there since it happened.

I realized I'll probably never be able to be there. I'm always on business trips I'm always busy.

"Good, send her the flowers and keep me updated goodbye."

I hung up not being able to handle anymore of the conversation. Did it happen after she dropped off the box? was she rushing back to work? She's going to rush the recovery. She leaves tomorrow for her business trip with Mark. If I was there I could stop her. could I? Why would she listen to me?

I looked through my contacts and decided to call Mark. I wanted to know her situation and if he thinks they should still go.

Mark: hello?

"Is she okay?"

No need for formalities. He knows I loathe him right now.

Marks: Minor cuts and bruises but ever since her parents passed away she hates hospitals, she had a bad panic attack. So I brought her to my home promising she would relax till our trip. We leave Thursday instead of tomorrow.

His home? Her parents passed away? He knows about her life. I chuckled and put my hand on head.

"You just have everything under control."

Mark: When it comes to V, yes I do. Enjoy your trip sir. I'm making her soup.

"Tell her I'll see her in Rockledge."

With that I hung up the phone.

I need to sleep. I need to get her out of my mind.

"Excuse me sir, would you like lunch?"

I nodded my head and looked out the window.

My mother is coming, and Catherine is going to be there. They must have planned this. God this is just a business trip yet it is turning out to be headache.

"Here you are sir!"

"Thank you, can you bring me the sleep pills as well?"

"Of course, we have 10 more hours I'll make sure too wake you on our final hour."

"Thank you."

She went into the cupboard and grabbed the bottle of pills.

"Here you are sir!"

I took the pills and set them on the tray.

She giggled and smiled at me.

"I was just about to say, please eat first!"

I smirked at her and realized I didn't know her name. How rude of me.

"What's your name?"

"Linda." She said sitting down across from me.

"Nice to properly meet you Linda."

"Likewise Mr. Worthington."

I took a bite out of my sandwich and savored the delicious taste.

"Ms.Smith made it."

I looked up at her and she was smirking at me.

"She made this??"

She nodded her head smiling.

"Mrs. Grant forget to call the planes chief and when she called he was already booked, so Ms. Smith came and prepped all your in flight meals. I just have to warm stuff up."

I looked down at my sandwich and clenched my fist. What the hell is your plan Victoria? To make me fall for you!?

"She said don't say anything or Mrs. Grant will get in trouble, I think she was just nervous you might not like the food, but I tried the lamb stew and My god it's heaven!"

"What time did she do all this?"

"Around 5:30am"

She probably went back home to get sleep and woke up late. She was rushing. She got in a accident because of me.

"So who is Ms. Smith to you?"

I gave Linda a sharp look and she put her hands up in a just asking motion.

"A colleague."

"A colleague? She was quite upset with Mrs. Grant for forgetting to make sure you ate, she seemed more like a significant other than a Colleague."

"Ms. Linda I assure you, you've misread her."

She got up and took my plate and refilled my water cup.

"Perhaps you're misreading her Mr. Worthington, or maybe purposely.

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