Chapter 12

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"Hey Victoria!?"

Is that Marks voice??

I creaked my eyes open and winced at the numbness in my right arm. I looked to my right

and saw Victoria cuddled up next to me.

I moved a lock of hair behind her ear and bent down close to her ear.

"Wake up kitten."

She shot out of my arms and fell face first on the floor.

"What the hell!?"

She scrambled to her feet and cursed when she stubbed her toe.

I couldn't help but laugh at her behavior. Surely she's had males spend the night before. Am I really the cause for her clumsiness?

Someone knocked at the door again and she looked towards me wide eyed.

"Mark was coming over this morning."

I didn't bothering hiding my clear distaste.

"Perhaps you should've told him you had company last night."

Her cheeks became and bright shade of red and she crossed her arms.

"It's not what you think, it was a breakfast meeting."

I stood up massaging my neck.

"I'm sorry I should've woken you when I realized you fell asleep, you just looked so peaceful."

She looked at me as she spoke. She was looking for me to tell her it was okay. Confirmation to a new level in our relationship. I can't.

"It was my fault, I should've left when I was tired. I will see you later."

I walked away from her so I wouldn't have to see her face. I can't do this. I shouldn't have fallen asleep here. I knew better.

I opened the door to mark furiously texting until he looked up

"Mr. Worthington...?"

I smirked at him and walked past him. I wonder how that conversation will go.

I called Stella and told her I wasn't coming in today. I needed to finish the Dubai papers and pack. I couldn't stop thinking about Victoria. She knew I fell asleep, yet she left me there. She willingly cuddled close to me. What was she thinking? Nothing will ever come of this. Right?

I pulled up to my buildings valet and tossed the driver the keys. I sighed as I entered my foyer and cringed when the receptionist winked at me. That was a regretful night. I took my phone out and dialed Stella's number.

Stella: James you're right on time as normal

James: How's everything going?

The elevators door opened and the door man greeted me. I nodded and motioned for him to follow. I needed to give him my errands for the day.

Stella: Victoria was looking for you, apparently Mr. Maxwell has asked for her to be his date at this years CEO ball.

James: Stella, matters that concern me please

I heard her scowl from here as she continued telling me all the calls I've missed this morning. I opened my door and greeted my maid.

"Please give him the list for today's errands and send someone to bring me some suits for trip."

Stella: Why are you not at work James? This is very unlike you.

I fell on my couch and rubbed my temple's.

James: "I had a long night Stella."

Stella: "Does it have anything to do with a raven haired beauty?"

James: "I'll call if I require more of your assistance."

I hung up praying she would leave it alone.

"Mr. Worthington."

I sat up straight and nodded for my doorman to continue.

"Um sir, there is a woman here saying she works with you and you're expecting her.."

"I'm not expecting anyone tell her to go."

I'm not in the mood.

"Her name is Victoria sir."

I stared at him wide eyed. He looked scared and began shaking.

"Let her in."

He quickly ran out of the apartment and I felt like the air had been sucked out of the room.

How does she know where I live? I thought she was at work today??

I quickly texted Stella to ask her if Victoria was there. My phone vibrated and I unlocked the screen.

Stella: It says she left 2hrs ago.


That voice. I fell asleep to that voice.

I stood up and looked at my clothes. Crap I haven't changed yet.

She walked into my living room and made eye contact with me.



She chuckled and walked towards me.

"I promised I would help you."

I remember I thought looking at her curious eyes.

"I never break a promise."

I smirked. She was wandering into dangerous territory.

"I said once you come here, you may not leave."

"Don't make promises you cant keep Mr. Worthington."

She walked past me and sat on my couch and took out her tablet. I realized something while I watched her prepare to get me ready for my trip. I like her on my couch.

A/N Hello Hello!!! comment vote give me advice!!! I'll be updating way more now!! Keep up with me!!

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