Chapter 22

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Asking Victoria on a date was simple. planning it was the hard part. I got up early this morning before she woke and asked her grandmother what was the best restaurants in town. She laughed and said;

"Victoria doesn't care about a fancy restaurant, you know she loves to eat right?"

I laughed and remember when we went to my favorite diner. She wasn't shy about eating at all. So I made reservations at a local restaurant in town. The food looked really good and had local favorites. I knew Victoria would love that we where supporting a small business and trying out her hometowns cuisine. 

It was almost time for our date and I was at the flower shop a few blocks from her house. Her Grandfather told me she use to buy her grandmother flowers here with her chore money. 

"How can I help you sir?"

"I need a bouquet of Tulips, Daffodils and Lilies."

"The flowers of new beginnings, new relationship?"

I smiled at the worker and nodded my head yes. I still wasn't ready to admit out loud exactly what I was planning to do tonight. Was she ready for my obsessive behavior with her?

"Hey Macy!"

I turned and saw a young man waving at the flower shop worker. He looked like he worked at the docks. He begin walking inside sliding pass me.

"Did you see that Victoria is in town?"

"I did, I need to stop by and say hello."

"Yeah, the Evans said they want to visit her as well.."

I watched Macy face turn red and look at the young man, he held a grimace as well.

"Why? what do you want to say?"

"Macy its been over 16 years since her parents killed their kids, maybe they want closure."

Macy shook her head in angry and finished wrapping my bouquet.

"That will be $68 dollars sir."

I gave her $100 and told her to keep the change. I walked out of the shop almost robotically. 

Was that why she never spoke of her parents? Did they truly commit murder? Why does she come back to this town and see these people who all look at her with pity? How on earth is she so strong?

I came in view of her grandparents house and saw a car that clearly stood out. I quickened my pace and came inside.

"You come here asking my granddaughter for closure and all you do is yell and ask why she didn't tell anyone about the abuse! she was a child for Christ sake!"

Two people stood in front of Victoria and her grandparents. They both wore black and looked unhinged. The women had grey hair and the mans hair was black and slicked back. 

"Listen all we are asking is if she will be in this true crime documentary and explain why she stayed quiet, its the least she can do."

"A documentary, you're trying to make money off of your so called grief."

I wasn't sure if Victoria cared that I spoke but I couldn't stay silent. Once I saw the tears pouring down her face my mouth opened on its own. I walked towards her and handed her the bouquet. I wiped the tears off her cheeks and smiled at her. I turned towards the unwelcomed guest and decided it was time they leave. 

"She will not be in this documentary, nor will you contact her any further, my lawyers will be sending you a restraining order as well as a cease and desist order, if you want to make money off of your trauma do it on your own Victoria will not be involved."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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