Chapter 2

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"I have a meeting with Mr. Allen at 12:00 tomorrow."

already making plans and she hasn't even heard my answer yet.

"He has 8 months to fix his business and make payments on his loan."

She collapsed on my office sofa and let out a long sigh.

"Do you go out Mr. Worthington?"

I looked up from my papers and towards Victoria. Her face held a pink tinge to them and her eyes where purposely not looking my way.

"I'm not a 60 yr old pervy man I'm 35 so yes I go out."

She grinned at me and got up from the couch.

"Well than how does dinner sound?"

Is she serious?

"You're not taking me to dinner Victoria."

"Why not! The place won't be loud or colorful your eyes and ears will be fine old man!"

I couldn't contain the laughter that came out of me. What loud and colorful? She is ridiculous.

"If I can pay I will go."

She smiled and left. I chuckled and canceled my plans for that evening.

I stood in the parking lot staring at my Audi R8. She's going to hate it.

"Really James?"


"Ready Ms. Victoria?" I said Mustering up the the strength to hold back laughter. Her face was softly tinted red and she was holding her fist walking towards me.

"You know I hate when we drive your 'toys'.

She folded her arms and glared at my driver. He threw his arms up and grinned

"He told me he was driving today and bring 'Selena kyle'.

She unfolded her arms walking towards it. She stared at it and smiled.

"Because she's all black and she purrs." She said purring her lips.

I watched as she giggled with my driver as they laughed about the last time we went to a function together. Without realizing it I began to walk to her and slipped my arm around her waist.

"Don't we have a date?" I whispered in her ear.

My driver smiled and passed me the keys.

"Enjoy your date Mr. Worthington."

Victoria stood stiff not looking up at me once. Of course I'm her mean boss this is just for saying yes I realized. I removed my arm opened her door and walked to mine.

"Let's go." I said getting into my car and closing the door. Be smart idiot I said to myself.

She slowly followed eying me from the corner of her eye. She buckled herself in and took a deep breath.

"It was unexpected, not that I didn't like it. Just unexpected."

I backed out than took off out of the parking garage. Evening out my breathing as I took in what she said.

"I don't even think we've hugged, you owe me a lot of hugs!"

I haven't hugged her. I probably would decide not to let go.

"Not professional Victoria."

I decided that was a better answer than being a creep.

"Oh please what a silly answer, when we get to the restaurant I want a hug!"

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