Chapter 6

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A/N- Sorry for the late update!! The weather has been awful in Florida and my internet has been a mess!!

"Our flight leaves next week Tuesday morning at 8am and we arrive in Texas at 4:32 PM we have one stop in ATL."

I drank my coffee as Victoria went over her itinerary with me. She was extremely excited about this case. I was trying to pay attention to her but she was wearing a beautiful tan dress today and her hair was down in curls. She just looked far to stunning for me to focus.

"This is my first huge project, everything has to be perfect."

I nodded my head motioning for her to continue.

"Mark will be handling the marketing aspect and I'll be doing everything else."

"Can you handle such a big load?"

She handed me another folder smiling.

"I really want to save her business and expand it, I can't trust anyone to do this but me."

I looked over her work folder. Everything was in order. She can handle it.

"Excuse me."

Stella poked her head through the door and looked between Victoria and I.

"Come in Ms. Grant." I said smirking at her.

She walked in slowly deliberately not looking at me.

"Your 9:30 is here." She said still looking at anything but me.

"Thank you Ms. Grant."

She nodded and turned around leaving.

"Oh Ms. Grant."

She turned back around and looked at me still clearly uncomfortable.

"Don't forget to bring back my jacket Stella It's apart of my favorite suit."

Her eyes widen and her face turned red. She nodded quickly and ran out.

I knew she was embarrassed about last night. We ended up not going to the restaurant instead we drove around drinking champagne and talking. She passed out after venting and I put my jacket around her to keep her warm. I couldn't help tease her about it.

Victoria coughed slightly and brought me out of my musings.

"So what do you think?" She said gesturing towards the folder.

"You did good Victoria."

She picked up the folder and began packing up her things.

"Mark and I are going to meet with Ms. Laurie at lunch, if you like I can come back to your office and brief you on it."

She said smoothing out her tan dress.

"Mark has no reason to be there, I'll attend the lunch with you. I'll email him now."

She stared blankly at me and nodded her head.

I looked away and started typing the email to mark.

"I didn't want to bother you."

I clicked send than looked away from my laptop. She was looking straight at me with honest eyes.

"I wanted to work the case with you but lately it seems like I'm bothering you."

She plopped down on the seat sighing. She smiled at me shyly.

"I guess I should've bothered you."

"When have I ever been too busy for you?"

I realized what I said and quickly looked back at my computer to print the email I sent to mark to keep for my records.

She stood back up smiling at me.

"Lunch is 12:30 at tomato kitchen."

I nodded keeping my gaze fixated on my computer.

"I'll drive us."

She started to leave and before she opened the door she turned around.

"Stella is nice but engaged I mean she is beautiful but I think you should think twice about it."

"You told me to date." I said smirking at her.

"Yes but not like that." She said frowning at me.

"Do you have someone in mind?"

She blushed and walked out. I called Stella and told her to cancel any lunch plans if I had any. I called Tomato Kitchen and reserved a room for us to have our meeting in. If lunch goes well perhaps we can try dinner again.

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