Chapter 10

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What am I doing? It's been 10 minutes and I've been sitting in the parking lot of Victoria's Apartment building. On the drive here I realized that I'm heading to an employees home to help her with a project I'm not even heading because I didn't want another man to be there.

"God I'm dumb."

I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I entered her buildings foyer and asked for her apartment number.

"It's B5 sweetheart, well this is different."

"What is?"

The elderly lady laughed and winked at me.

"Ms. Victoria has never had a male guest come by so late."

I smirked and began towards the elevator.

"good." I said entering the elevator and waving at the woman.

The doors opened and immediately I heard barking.

I followed the noise to Victoria's door and knocked.

"Shut up bruce! Coming coming!!!"

She swung the door open and I regretted coming here.

She had her hair in a messy bun with a colts sweat shirt on and grey shorts.

"I'm a mess, I know I'm sorry!!"

She rushed back inside and picked up bruce.

"He's so mean!"

She said holding him up.

I chuckled and stepped inside closing the door behind me.

"Being a single parent is hard!"

I took him from her hands and set him down.

"I'll watch him when you need help."

She came towards me and held her arms out.

"Every person who steps in my home gets a hug."

I froze. Wait. Is this a joke or is she serious.

She started laughing and put her arms down.

"Come on we have a lot of work to do."

I nodded still shocked. This wasn't a good idea.

We sat down and she started telling me what needed to get done. I studied every curve of her face. I loved the way she bit the inside of her cheek when she was concentrating on something or how she constantly moves a lock of hair behind her ear. She's so beautiful.

"Are you ready for Dubai?"

Dubai. Catherine. No I wasn't ready. Not one bit.

"No, I haven't even packed or memorized the itinerary." I said sighing while looking at the spreadsheet in my hand.

"I could help you, I'll come over tomorrow."

I looked at her to see if she was serious. Her cheeks held a pink tinge to them and she held my gaze.

I smirked deciding to tease her.

"Are you sure you're ready to come over to my place, what if I decide not to let you leave?"

"I'm counting on that Mr. Worthington."

Her eyes held a mischievous glint in them and she smiled at me.

"I'll give you a ride there since you won't be needing to return home."

She giggled and threw a pillow at me.

Bruce jumped on the couch and laid his head on my lap. I rubbed his back and he cuddled closer to me.

"He won't even let mark touch him."

"Dogs can tell when people aren't genuine."

She scoffed and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Why don't you like Mark, he's been very helpful."

"I have no issues with Mark."

"So what's the problem than?"

I didn't know how to answer how do I say "Because he is trying to take my spot" without sounding creepy?

"I just don't trust his intentions." There That sounds good.

"Intentions, what are you talking about?"

I rolled my eyes and put Bruce next to me.

"He wants to be more than just work place proximity friends."


I wasn't expecting that. And? That meant she knew. That meant she didn't mind it. That meant my spot could already be gone before it was even really there. Does she like him?

"Do you like him?"

"Does it matter James?"

It shouldn't, It really shouldn't. I don't want it to matter. Why does it have to matter.

"It does, it's against company policy."

"Oh that's just crap!"

She was right, it was crap. I got up and crossed the room towards where she was sitting and sat next to her. I leaned in close and moved the lock of hair caressing her face.

"I hate sharing your attention."

I couldn't help the honesty that spilled from my lips.

"You don't have too.." She whispered

I moved away from her and cleared my throat.

"Let's finish these spread sheets."

She nodded in approval continuing her work.

I looked at her from the corner of my eye and saw her smiling. She really is beautiful.

A/N------ 1K!? OMG this is amazing!! Please keep reading and please please vote! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying my story! Thanks for all the love and thanks for sticking around!!

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