Chapter 7

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A/N-- Please forgive the late update my internet provider is fixing the issue in my neighborhood! But geez it's been a week already!! Any who please enjoy this chapter!! I hope you like it!!

"No, the project needs to be done no later than 3:00 pm today."

"But Mr. Worthington that just can't be done."

When Victoria left my office this morning my phone hasn't stopped ringing and I've had meeting after meeting. I looked at my watch and sighed.

"So you see sir, it's just not possible."

What's this kids name again? Doesn't he know that it doesn't matter.

"Have it done by 3:00 pm Mr. Hill will be here to pick it up."

He nodded his head and stood up leaving.

"If you need help ask mark."

He turned around giving me a fake smile and nod. He clearly didn't want to ask Mark. I've got to make sure this gets done.

I picked up my office phone and called Stella.

"Yes Mr. Worthington?"

"The young man who left my office a second ago what's his name?"

"Jacob Mayer."

"Make sure Mr. Mayer has a team to finish the hill project."

"He doesn't have it done yet? Victoria was helping him."

"No he doesn't, it needs to be done by 3:00, get him a team now."

I hung up and texted my chauffeur to meet me in the parking garage. I hastily stood up and began walking towards my door. I won't be late for lunch.

Stella barged in with a stunned look on her face.

"What?" I said praying that I could attend to whatever it was quickly.

She smoothed out her dress and stood up straight.

"Your apparent ex fiance is asking to see you."

I froze. She studied my expression and her stunned face become a coy one.

"She saw your jacket I went to pick up and said to me you have my jacket in your lap. Did she buy your favorite suit for you?"

She was now grinning from ear to ear

"Stella this is a past I've kept hidden from tabloids and magazines I'd like to keep it that way."

She feigned a hurt expression and put her hand on her chest.

"James I'm hurt, I would never tease you about a vulnerable time in your life."

I walked passed her glaring and opening my door.

"James you've kept me waiting, how rude."

Catherine. The last woman I wanted to see. She stood tall in her louboutins and her long blonde hair fell in waves down her back.

"Surely you haven't forgotten your manners."

Same old Catherine.

"I'm just surprised to see you."

She smiled a sickly sweet smile and walked towards Stella and I.

"It's our anniversary love."

She walked into my office brushing pass Stella.

"Ms. Grant please apologies to Victoria tell her I'm in a meeting."

"lying early I see. good idea." Stella said walking to her desk.

I walked back into my office slamming my door behind me. Catherine raised an perfectly shaped eyebrow at me but didn't speak. She plays games too much.

"Catherine I had a very important lunch."

"Yes I heard, apparently she's called a few times making sure you didn't have any afternoon meetings. She must've been excited. So sorry I messed up your date."

She was calling?

"You're eavesdropping in my office?"

"I was waiting on you to come out for lunch, you're secretary is loud."

I glared at her ready for this chat to end.

"It's a business lunch that I'm missing for you, once again wasting my time."

She laughed and motioned for me to sit in the chair next to her.

I sat down but kept my guard up. She sighed and sat back moving a lock of hair out of her face.

"James I miss you."

I was taken aback by that. During our relationship she was never emotionally open. We dated in college and decided to get engaged afterwards. But it always seemed like more a business agreement than a relationship. Everything was planned nothing was spontaneous. At the time I was okay with it, yet after while I started to loathe coming home to such a cold house.

"Catherine I can count the times you've said that to me, tell me why you're here or I'm leaving."

She stood up and paced around.

"I know I was cold James, but God I did love you."

I shook my head and folded my arms.

"It's been 5 years, you haven't spoken to me since you mailed back the engagement ring!"

"How was I suppose to step foot back in this city after you broke off the engagement? Everything here reminded me of you!"

I couldn't believe what was happening. This isn't Catherine. Catherine doesn't yell or show any emotion at all.

"I'm hungry."

She looked at me and uncrossed her arms.


I got up and grabbed her hand pulling her towards my door.

"I've been in my office all morning, I'm hungry we're going to lunch."

She simply nodded her head and let me drag her out.

"Stella I'm headed to lunch."

She narrowed her eyes at me and looked back towards her computer.

"Do you still like Chinese?"

Catherine nodded still not speaking.

I figured I owe her lunch. She use to be my best friend. No matter how much the heart break hurts you can't kill the nostalgia when an old love comes back in your life.

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