1. L'offre - The Offer

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Chantilly, Northern France

(Lizette's POV...)

I sighed, feeling the unmistakable pounding in my head. I would need another cup of coffee, thanks to these mischeivous children who have been running all day. If only they could do as they were told.

But, as soon as I turned around, I knew my coffee trip would be cut short. A few meters ahead, was my director, standing like he expected a conversation out of me.

"Bonsoir, Jacques. What brings you outside on a Wednesday?" I asked him, half expecting his answer.

That's how Jaques was. He was normally a kind man who had founded this orphanage because he wanted to devote his life to little children who had been abandoned by their parents. But one of his really bad habits was talking endlessly once he started.

I, as his employee, and as someone who had known him for a long time, didn't want to discourage his ceaseless rambling. But sometimes, it was just too much for me to bear. Especially, when I prized peace and quiet like they were the most endangered things on earth.

Or perhaps, they really were.

"Ah, there you are!" He exclaimed. "Je t'ai cherché, Liz."

I sighed. I'd have to ask him the reason he was looking for me, even when I already knew the answer.

"Quelque chose ne va pas?"

"No, but someone is here to meet you," he said.

So, Jacques didnt want to have his usual weekly chat, but was here to inform me about someone's arrival. As much as I remembered, I hadn't promised to meet anyone at the orphanage. Who could they be?

Jacques gestured for me to follow him, so I did as he told. We walked from the kids' dormitories towards the small garden at the front of the orphanage. This garden was the source of our pride. It was quite a simple, but a well maintained place, and bloomed with pretty flowers of all kinds.

The grass was cut meticulously and glowed a bright green, and the fresh air all the tall trees brought refreshed one's soul through and through. In my eyes, it was a mini paradise. The open area was covered with four small tables and chairs, covered with an umbrella each. It was the perfect place to have a little chat, to have your morning or evening tea, or to just relax under them.

As I followed Jacques, I saw someone peculiar. It wasn't their presence in the orphanage which was peculiar, it was the fact that they wanted to talk to me personally.

The man who was waiting for me, stood up promptly as he noticed us approaching. He was a quinquagenarian, and had a tall frame. He sported the same slicked back white hair, salt and pepper beard, and a kind smile on his face. Even after seeing him from the sidelines a these years, he hadn't changed one bit.

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