27. L'étincelle - The Spark

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I woke up the next day with the first rays of the sun, unable to sleep properly

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I woke up the next day with the first rays of the sun, unable to sleep properly. The thoughts of my new life kept me up almost all night, and I finally fell asleep at around four in the morning, only to wake up two hours ago.

Now that I was going to finally take the first important step in my fake marriage, it scared me. What if we would be caught lying by the others? What if something goes wrong, and Florian denies to keep his end of the deal? What if... I actually start to develop feelings for André?

No, that wouldn't happen. I shook my head at the intrusive thought that hadn't left my mind since last night, and stood up. Immersing myself in work was the only thing that could keep me distracted from my silly thoughts.

After brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower, I sat on my table and set to work. The final list of designs had come out two days ago, and we were supposed to add some more minute details to make the outfits more flawless.

Since this was the first time Panache would present cottagecore and academia themes, everyone was tense and on edge. We had to do our very best and change the company's image to a versatile player. The party was set for nine in the evening, so that left me with a lot of time. And I would use every spare minute for my work, since work was my first passion.

Late in the afternoon, Lily called, demanding that I get inside the car and come over as soon as possible. Even though I protested that it was only three p.m., she wouldn't listen at all. Sighing heavily, I donned a pair of denims with my loose white shirt, and asked Clara to put my dress in the car.

I came down after she was done, only to find André sitting on the kitchen island, munching on something. We both froze, and matched each other's pensive mood. This was a big day for the both of us, a big decision none of us was ready for, but had to take anyway. Even though I could understand André, did he have an equally open mind for me as well?

"Where are you going?" He asked me, his voice still an empty shell.

"To Lily's. She offered to get me ready for the night. You will have to come there to pick me up," I replied, keeping my tone the same as his. Emotionless. Hollow.

He gazed at me for a moment, probably feeling irritated by the extra work. Then, he eventually said, "Alright. Tell her to do a good job."

I clenched my jaw, feeling the subtle diss in his words. He wanted me to know that he didn't approve of my style, and that he wasn't expecting much out of me. I didn't show my ire, but I wanted to choke him until I drilled some sense in him.

Wanting to scream at him, I closed my hands in fists. "I will."

My answer was simple, yet conveyed my nonchalance perfectly. His brows furrowed at my reply, as if he was waiting for me to contradict his statement and argue with him. He was in for a ride, if he thought he had already figured me out. And, he would definitely regret saying that to me. Tonight, I would make sure to make his jaw drop from wonder. I would make sure he burns in the fire of guilt.

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