20. L'affrontement - The Confrontation

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Soon, Friday rolled in

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Soon, Friday rolled in. The dramatic start of the week had already taken a toll on me, but people were nowhere near done with it.

The hottest news of today was the latest news release, which confirmed the rumors of my engagement to be true. Everyone instantly went gaga on the internet, typing all types of opinions on my frenzied photos posted on numerous sites. In their defense, they had no choice but to upload low quality, blurred photos of mine because I didn't comply with their wishes to do a photoshoot.

Some people called me pretty, others said I didn't deserve a 'hottie' like André Beaumont. Some even had the decency to warn me, and said I should have stayed away from that player. But, everyone had an opinion. Nobody wanted to ignore me and move on with their lives. Nobody was not interested in our lives.

But, it wouldn't be called drama, if everything stopped at that point. The gossip continued in the office, only it worsened with each passing day. And, as the news of our group working actively came to light, chaos ensued in the company.

People who had absolutely no connection with our successes and failures started to feel jealous and intimidated by us. Random people started to target our members in the hallways, calling them all sorts of derogatory names, just so we could all be discouraged to work.

But, the most surprising thing of all, was how Sasha Collins hadn't said a single word to us ever since. I had thought she would be the first one to approach us, but she had strangely kept her distance. Still, I wasn't exactly relaxed. I was on edge, not knowing when, or how, she would pull something.

Sasha, as experienced as she was in this field, seemed to be an incredibly cunning woman to me. And when I say cunning, I mean someone who would go to any lengths just to fulfill their desires. She wasn't just competitive, she was overambitious, which almost always led people on the wrong path.

Our fundamental planning and designing was also coming to an end. Soon, the designs would be sent out to be made, and the main part of the process would be set into motion. There was undoubtedly a lot of pressure on all our shoulders, especially since this was technically the first time for all of us. Me – because I'd never actually worked as a designer, and them – because they would all work independently after a long hiatus.

But as much as the pressure was present, there was also something exhilarating in the work we did. The long nights we spent crafting and honing our work, the long discussions which drained our energy and the last bits of our brains, everything which was so taxing, seemed to be so relaxing for us.

It was a relief how everyone was a true workaholic in our team, including the young twins who looked like they wouldn't do a thing. Had anyone here become accustomed to slacking off, I would have pulled the remaining hairs out of my scalp out of stress.

As I entered the break room, the irresistible fragrance of coffee beans invited me inside warmly. Instantly, all my senses were alerted, and I forgot all my drowsiness outside the door. I made my coffee blindly, like a routine I'd followed for almost a century.

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