10. La dialogue - The Conversation

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"What exactly is this deal you made with my dad? And, is money involved?"

His voice didn't waver for a second, his deep set eyes locked firmly on mine. The authority with which he spoke momentarily intimidated me, and I felt like a criminal in front of him.

But, I knew it wasn't the case. I wasn't committing any crime, and even though he might feel used and dirty, it was a matter he should have discussed with his father, not me. In fact, there wasn't much of a difference in both of our positions – we were both moving like pawns, on Florian Beaumont's orders.

Taking in a deep breath, I decided to tell him the truth. It was always better to be upfront than hiding behind pretenses and shadows. "Yes," I replied. "There is money involved. But, you're wrong about the other thing. Your father was the one to strike this deal with me. I didn't go chasing him."

He scoffed. "Yeah, right. As if I would believe that. Girls like you are all over me and my dad, dying for a chance to be noticed. And you tell me that he came to you himself? What a load of bullshit."

I sighed. Why was this man so infuriating? He kept acting hot and cold with me, attacking me one second, then backing down the next. Now, he was back to being his annoying self.

I looked him straight in the eyes, letting him know that his words weren't getting to me. "André Beaumont, I'm not sitting here to make you buy my story. I'm only answering your questions, because I too believe there should be transparency in our relationship. Whether you want to believe my words or not, is entirely your decision."

André sighed audibly, visibly upset. He took a sip of his black coffee to calm down, and I did the same. It was hard to believe that there was at least something similar in both of us – our love for unadulterated, black coffee.

I glanced at him again, and he was now staring out the window, looking conflicted and lost. Perhaps, now that he had cooled down, he realized that his father could be the one to approach me first. After all, if Florian was this crazy to get his son married, there was no way André didn't know about it.

He was just having a hard time accepting it in front of me.

He turned his head towards me again, and found me staring at him. As he looked away from the sun, the golden light reflecting on his face vanished, and reality returned to me as I gazed into his cold, lifeless eyes.

"Alright, I'll believe you if you say so. But even so, it doesn't make you any better. You could have earned money in any other way, yet, you chose the easiest way out. Not only that, you're ready to become a nuisance in my life, and a gold digger in everyone's eyes, just because of some petty cash. Guess some people have no conscience, after all."

His words cut deep, I wouldn't lie about that. How could someone as irresponsible and lazy as him understand what was the worth of that 'petty cash'? A small part of me kept telling me that this was just his way of riling me up. He just wanted me to give up on this plan, and go back home.

He wanted his freedom back, and I wanted money. That's how he could go on living as he was right now, and that's how I could put my past behind me, and start over.

But, it couldn't be helped. We both wanted something with a passion, but it was a shame that our desires were different. Both of us had to fulfill our desires at the cost of the other's happiness, and I was adamant to keep my promise to myself.

André would regain his freedom after a year, but I wouldn't get another chance like this again. So, even if he didn't like me, even if he wanted to kill me every time he saw me, he would have to put up with me.

"Why are you staring at me like a fool? Cat got your tongue?" He snapped at me, thinking I was nervous to answer him.

I lifted my chin, swallowing the bitter taste of his insult inside. Now wasn't the time to get offended. I just wasn't in that place to do so.

"Maybe I really don't have one, but why does it bother you?" I said, my tone bordering on absolute arrogance. I abhorred how I sounded, but oh well, what had to be done, had to be done.

He stood up, unable to hold his emotions in at this point. He must be seeing red, seeing how I had the nerve to instigate him while he was still irked. He slammed his hands on the counter, trying hard to contain himself, but failing to do so.

I met the deadly look in his eyes confidently, not intimidated by him anymore. Even when his muscular, naked body towered over mine over the counter. Even when his face was too close to mine.

"You.... how selfish are you to only think about yourself? Do you really not care about the discomfort your presence brings to me?" He asked me in a low voice, barely able to hide the angry vibrations from his deep tone.

It was then that I noticed, how close he really was. If I attempted to stand up, our faces would touch each other's. Captured under his intense glare and hot breaths, I swallowed hard.

"You will get your freedom after a year, so what's the problem? And, if you really cared about your discomfort, maybe you shouldn't have made your father suffer so much. If only you were a tad bit responsible towards your duties, I wouldn't be here."

I couldn't believe I'd just spoken such harsh words to him, while being in such close proximity. And it seemed he couldn't believe it, too. Surprise flashed through his eyes, and I smirked internally. That's how I would try to suppress him every time he stood upto me.

Baffling your enemy until they were rendered speechless was such a classic tactic, but it worked because André wasn't much of a brainy person anyway. I stood up while steadily maintaining the eye contact, and he backed up himself.

"I feel like we've talked about this enough. Now, it's time for you to make your decision. Although I'd like to give you a hint – the only way to get rid of me is to quietly accept your father's terms. Good luck deciding."

I pushed my glasses back up my nose, picked up my cold cup of coffee and other stuff, and left him standing there, shock painted all over his red face.

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