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Clear blue waves greet the shore in an inconsistent pattern

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Clear blue waves greet the shore in an inconsistent pattern. Sometimes, they are high and noisy; other times, they are soft and mellow. Sunlight shines through these azure waves, resembling a thousand shattered pieces of a glass crystal.

These waves are shallow, and allow people to see the marshy land beneath them. They are easy to comprehend, to break down into patterns, to fight, and to survive.

The waters that go deeper than these shallow waves, aren't moved so easily, and can't be read so easily.

The sunlight doesn't reach well there, and these waters aren't visible to the naked eye. Thus, it makes these murky waters more difficult to navigate, to fight, and to survive.

The sea is more recondite and unfathomable than people think it is. It's depths are talked about, but have never been scaled. It's creatures are imagined, but most of them have never been seen. 

There, in one forgotten corner, lies a large pile of rocks. Covered in green moss and slime, it resembles the bed of the sea and attracts smaller animals to take shelter in it.

On top of these rocks, lies a large oyster. Large, wild, and lonely. Shaped like a sea shell, with delicate ridges along its body, it opens a sliver between the two valves.

The two valves, or shells, are whitish-gray in color. They contain the body of the oyster inside, and provide a solid protection to it from its prey and the strong environment of the sea.

As the diver approaches the oyster, it hardens its shell. The calcified valves aren't easy to open, and require lots of time and effort. But, the diver persists, because he believes that he will be rewarded with the goodness of the pearl inside.

The oyster finally relents, and the valves are opened. There, in between, lies a beautiful, soft pearl. Elegant to look at, and priceless in value, the diver finally finds the goodness of the oyster hidden inside it. It surely gives him a lot of trouble, but his determination brings forth the sweet fruit of success.

This is how some people are in real life, as well. They walk around with a hard shell on themselves, never allowing anyone to see what lies underneath it. They might come off as prickly, blunt, moody, but it's all a facade.

Just like the rough calcified shells of an oyster. But, inside these people, lies a beautiful pearl. A pearl that shines, that fascinates, and that blinds everyone with its beauty.

Every human has kindness, warmth, honesty, and generosity in them. Some just have it hidden deep inside to not be seen by anyone.

Their attributes are hidden inside their hearts, just like a pearl in the oyster. They keep it a secret, but they nourish themselves, they develop themselves, and hone themselves.

But, they cannot let out this kindness into the world by themselves. To do that, they need the help of someone else. Someone who understands the value of this pearl, someone who is patient enough to wait for the appropriate time to come.

And most of all, they need someone who is courageous enough to dive into the deep waters, and deal with the hardened shell of these oysters.

After all, everything starts with a courageous nudge from one's mind.

That's all it takes to encourage a pearl to come out of the oyster.

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