11. L'idée ‐ The Idea

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My heart was pounding erratically by the time I reached my room on the second floor, far right

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My heart was pounding erratically by the time I reached my room on the second floor, far right. Closing the door behind me, I walked over to the wooden desk, and dumped all the things on it. Slumping down into the white chair, I went over the conversation that just happened.

Had I spoken too much, too soon? Surely Florian won't like it if I would act like that with his son? What if I ruin this golden moment even before it comes into my hands?

A series of 'What ifs' unfurled themselves in my mind, but I'd forgotten how dangerous they really were. Once you fall down the rabbit hole, there wasn't any coming out of it, even if you were to crawl your way out.

In my defense, that man was incredibly infuriating, and every time he came in front of my eyes, I somehow lost all my senses. My experiences had taught me not to bow down in front of such lowly people, and thus, my mouth ran wild whenever I was with him.

I couldn't stand how he squandered away his money and time partying and drinking. I couldn't stand how he acted like he was the only important person on this earth.

Most of all, I couldn't stand how he managed to look like an angel that fell from heaven through all this.

'Chienne folle,' Shaking my head, I reprimanded myself. I really must be crazy, seeing how that devil didn't seem like the devil to me.

(Crazy bitch)

Opening my sketchbook, I stared mindlessly at the blank paper, feeling my desire to draw fading away. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. I couldn't get distracted from the beginning itself. There was so much more to come, and if I couldn't even overcome such a minor bump along the road, there was no way I would reach my destination.

I picked up my pencil, and got to work immediately, leaving all unnecessary thoughts behind. There was no time for such silliness in my life. The vibrant sun soon changed into the blazing sun, then cooled down, spreading purplish warmth over the cloudless sky.

I looked over to see the sun setting, and finally got up from my chair. Stretching my back, I looked at the designs I'd drawn, and felt proud of myself. Ever since Florian gave me the green light yesterday, I'd decided I wouldn't waste any time and got down to work from the very next day. Designing clothes for a whole season was an exhausting task, and there wasn't any room for laziness.

I looked at my designs once again, feeling proud that I would finally bring a new color to Panache. This label was known for its trendy designs, full of party and even futuristic clothes, but no one had ever visited the other mellow styles. I, as a loyal follower of dark academia and cottagecore themes, decided to take matters in my own hands.

This time, Panache will have a different image.

Excited about my new start, I smiled to myself, and closed the sketchbook. I stored it in a safe place, and put my glasses back in their case. Exiting my room, I found out that the house was buzzing with energy. The maids were running about, cleaning and carrying things to and fro.

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