16. La surprise - The Surprise

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I took a deep breath and let it out, releasing all my anger with it. Turning around, I left before Jolene could catch me too. As soon as I emerged into the living room, Cathy came rushing to me.

"Miss, are you okay? Why were you in there? Did madam say something to you?" She asked me, her voice full of concern.

It almost reminded me of my mama, how she would always be there to ask me if I was okay or not. This was the first time, someone else other than mama had done that.  I saw her warm eyes shining with worry for me, and it made me break into a sad smile. I suddenly missed my mama.

"Has André left?" I asked her, and she nodded in affirmation.

"Cathy, I'll be in the back garden, so please don't disturb me." I told her, and left the house.

On the left of this monstrosity, was a small winding path hidden by leaves and shrubs. Moving the tree branches aside, I stepped onto the path which lead me to their garden. My long skirt swished the ground, sweeping away fallen flowers along with it. Coming out on the other side, I saw a whole another world.

A huge fountain stood in the middle of a large rectangular patch of land, covered fully with green leaves. It was a statue of Cupid standing inside a circular pool of stone, with his bow and arrow in hand. The statue was fully covered in green leaves, with a small fountain trickling out of its head. It traveled down the statue's body, and met the water inside the fountain.

All around it, was open land filled with lush grass. The ends of the garden were decorated with trees of all kinds, and colorful flowers hung from them. They emanated a fragrance so sweet, that it enveloped my mind and body, heightening my senses and successfully distracting me from my problems.

This wasn't just another garden, it was pure paradise. A visual, olfactory, and auditory paradise. I never wanted to leave this place.

Laying down on the grass, I relaxed immediately and closed my eyes. The feeling of being in such perfect nature came back to me, and I finally realized how much I'd changed ever since I came to New York. Even though I hadn't lived here for long, the abrupt change in my environment, people and situations caused limitless stress.

Earlier, I was in peaceful surroundings, only having to look after the orphanage children and my mama. Now, my days were spent in scheming, planning, manipulating others, and being scared of not having it all.

Then again, my past life wasn't a bed of roses. Back in Chantilly, I was connected to my horrible childhood, which was a daily reminder of my hellish misfortune. Those streets held me captive, as I could never dream of chasing my dreams, no matter how hard I tried.

But this city came as a breath of fresh air. The people here were much more competitive, the pressure was high, and the stakes went through the roof, but I was still satisfied. I was happy that I didn't have to see my old home again. I was happy I got to live my unreachable dream. And most of all, I was happy because I believed my mama would finally achieve the rest and joy she deserved.

And so, it didn't matter how hard things would get for me in the future; I would grin and bear it for the sake of mama. She had to live somehow, and for her, I would move this entire world.

And even though the harsh reality was waiting for me rather impatiently, with its jaws wide open, I felt content in that moment. I felt the bliss in escaping reality, and savored every single second of it.

When my eyes opened into the reality the next day, there was a list of responsibilities waiting for me. But, they didn't deter me or put me down. Instead, I felt energized, rejuvenated and totally ready to take on anything that would come in my way.

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