13. L'obstacle - The Obstacle

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"What did you just say?" Sophie asked me, while the other four stared at me with their mouths wide open like the Grand Canyon

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"What did you just say?" Sophie asked me, while the other four stared at me with their mouths wide open like the Grand Canyon.

I sighed. This would be the fifth time I would repeat my words. Either they were messing with me, or they thought I was messing with them. They'd been under such a firm belief that they would never get to work anymore, which was pretty heartbreaking for me. No one should have to feel this way while they're still a part of their company.

"I know what you're thinking, but, this isn't a joke. I've talked to Mr. Beaumont, and he has agreed to give you a last chance. I've even picked out the theme, and designed some pieces for it. Would you want to take a look?"

Maria slowly blinked, while Martin's poker face morphed into a slight smile. Even the twins didn't have that annoyingly passive expression on their faces. Everyone was paying attention. Everyone was excited. Everyone but Sophie.

"I'm sorry dear, but even though you share the same hometown as our boss, there's no way he would listen to you. You've just entered, so you have no idea about our past. All the embarrassment both my team and my company had to go through, you know nothing of it.

"Its something only me and my team knows. And, I'll appreciate it if you just left us alone. If your boss listens to you so well, then maybe ask him to transfer you to another department."

She stormed off, leaving all of us speechless. Maria had her head down, while Martin looked the same as ever. The twins were confused, just like me.

"Maria, I don't understand. What went wrong? Have you all given up so badly, that nobody can convince you to work again? Is that it?" I asked her, but she merely shook her head.

"Liz dear, you have no idea of what Sophie went through two years ago. We both too suffered along with her, and two others left, but she's the one who went through the most. Of course, she won't be all happy about this. After being pushed to the very back for so long, it's become harder for her to trust anyone anymore. I hope you understand her, and don't take her harsh words to heart."

I looked at her. "I know, Maria. Even though I'm not aware of what exactly happened, what I'm aware of is that Mr. Beaumont is ready to give you a chance to come forward once again. Weren't you all waiting for this opportunity to come? Isn't that why all three of you are still here?"

Both Maria and Martin were speechless, staring at me without saying a word. I sighed, sensing a headache forming in my frontal lobe. I just couldn't understand why was Sophie being so emotional about it? This clearly wasn't the time for her to lash out at people and lose this golden chance that somehow came to her.

Just what was she thinking?

I excused myself from the table, and left the section. Taking the elevator, I pressed the tenth floor on the panel. Once the elevator reopened with a ping, I dragged my feet towards the break room, which had various snacks and coffee.

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