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Lucas's pov

"finally it's lunch time!" Dustin
says  in a song tone. "Yeah yeah"
I say as I roll my eyes. Currently Will  and
Mike are in the front  with  Dustin trailing behind ,and Me And Max behind them.

"Hey redhead come back" I hear
from behind us. Great it's Troy
Walsh. "What do you want and
its Max to you." Max says annoyed.

"Geez somebody woke up on the
Wrong side of the bed" Troy says.
I see Max look at her shoes.

"Troy Shut the hell up that's why
you probably make out with James
in the bathroom." I say back to his

I grab Max's hand and walk to the rest
of the party. I feel some type of butterflies as I held her hand. We make it to the rest of the
Party and I let go of Max's hand.

"Sorry" I say looking anywhere but
Max's direction."it's fine" she said
In a low tone. After a awkward silence,
Max starts a conversation.

We get our food and sit at the usual
table. Then a girl with brown hair
That fell a little above her shoulders
sat down aswell. "Oh yeah! Guys
I'd like you to meet Jane!" Mike says.

"He practically has heart eyes" Max
whispers to me. We both start giggling
and Dustin and Will share a look.

We all Introduce our self and start eating.
I see max picking At her food. But she notices
Me staring and starts eating.I also see Mike glaring at her. Mike always hates when new
people join the party.

I see Max's leg bouncing up and down as she's picks at her food.Will, Dustin, Mike and Jane are carrying a conversation, as me and max don't say anything.

When there's a bit of silence Max
speaks up, "I'm going to the bathroom"
She says still looking down. I see Mike
roll his eyes while everyone else looks
At her and nods or says okay.

She quickly brings her tray dumps
It and walks out with her headphones
on. I'm worried for her.
(349 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌)

𝖧𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍;𝖫𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗑Where stories live. Discover now