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Max's pov

Lunch came around the corner
fast. Me and will walked into the
lunch room together since we both
we're getting stuff from our locker
before we headed to lunch.

Mike and Dustin weren't at lunch
yet so me and will decided to go
ahead and get out food.

"Hey Max"will said."yeah what's up?"
"Do you like Lucas" he says smirking.
"I- w- where did you get that idea from"
I said.

"I can tell by how you look at him."
he said winking."maybe I do" I say
looking down at my converses.

we both walk into the line.but Lucas isn't
near us. I felt a little sad since I cant
joke around with him,but at least I had Will.

I was looking around the lunch line
when I see Lucas holding a girl with
blonde hair by the waist, and her
head on his shoulder.

My heart shattered.Will noticed
and asked what was wrong.Will looked
towards were I was looking and his jaw dropped.

"Nothing" I say mumbling while
battling tears that threaten to fall.
"I-ill meet you at the table will."I
said as I walked out the lunch line.

I walked towards the bathroom. I walked
into a stall and cried my eyes out. My eyes
we're a puffy mess and red. I walked out
the stall and looked in the mirror.

I wiped my fresh tears with my sleeves
And splashed some water on my face.
luckily my eyes weren't to red to suspect I
was crying.

I walked back into the lunch room.
I got closer to the table and felt tears
coming when I saw Lucas sitting there.

I quickly wiped my tears and sat down
next to will.I kept messing with the
sleeves of my sweater to avoid Lucas.

The lunch room was full of laughter
and talking making me get a headache.
Lucas then faced my way and asked,
"Hey max why don't you have food.

The whole table went silent. "I
just wasn't hungry"I reply looking
up at will. I felt tears begging to fall
so I looked back down.

Lucas then continued to talk to Mike
about what ever he was saying. I got up and
went to my locker to get away from the table.

will then came up to me and placed his
hands on my shoulders."Max Im so sorry"
he said apologizing like it was his fault.

it not your fault will."I know but I
still feel bad.."he said.I started crying
again and collapsed in his arms.

"I'm so tired will" I say sobbing. "I'm  tired
Of Troy, and school and Billy and now him"
I say as I keep sobbing.

"Just try to ignore him" he kept saying
while patting my back."I'll try" I said

"wanna come over will after school ."
I said. "Ofc max" he said
Will's pov

I was eating my food when I See Max
get up from the lunch table . I knew exactly
why she left the table.

Lucas was so busy taking to Mike
about the blonde girl Sydney he likes.
It's funny how he was just obsessed over
max and all of sudden he switches up.

I see Max's tears flowing down her
cheeks while leaving the table. I threw away
my food and got up also after max.

I place my hands on Max's shoulders
to calm her down."Max Im so sorry"
I said Apologizing

"it not your fault will" Max said.
"I know but I still feel bad.."i said
She started to cry again. And  she
collapsed in my arms  I felt so bad
For her..

"I'm so tired will" she says  sobbing. "I'm  tired
Of Troy, and school and Billy and now him"
she says sobbing her eyes out.

"Just try to ignore him" I kept saying
while patting her back trying to comfort
her. I'll try" She said  as her sobs turned to

Max is so sweet she doesn't deserve
any of this. I see a spark between her and Lucas.

"Wanna come over after school will"
max said sniffling still. " ofc max"
I said smiling causing her to Smile

"Okay we need to exchange numbers
seriously" max said giggling a little.
so we did just that.

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