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Max's pov

I decided it was best for me not to go back to the table. Mike was giving me death stares and I felt uncomfortable.

They probably don't like me and are
Just being nice since Lucas is friends with
me. I walk to my final class by myself avoiding
Mike and the group.

Of course Mikes seat is Is on the left
side of me and Lucas on the right.
I avoided Lucas's gaze knowing
He's thinking why I didn't come back.

Before I knew it the class was over.
I was packing my stuff when Lucas
Came up to me. "Max are you okay?"
He asks. I freeze, I don't know what to
Say. "Yeah I'm fine" I say lying.

"Max I know your lying" Lucas says
As we both walk out to the lockers.
"Okay.. it's just Mikes been glaring at
Me since we met and I.. think he doesn't
Want me around" I say looking around.

"He's like that with everyone probably
Because he doesn't want you in our
Party" Lucas says back. "Well okay"
I say.

"anyways here's my house number
We should hang out today" Lucas
Says the last party lowly. "Sure Sinclair"
I smile. I place my headphones on
And walk away waving back at him .

I walk through the parking lot and see
A pissed Billy leaning against the car.
"Max you late again" he says in a creep
Low tone.  I freeze a bit and then respond.

"Sorry teacher wanted me to sign up for
a club" I lie trying to make it believable.
He looks at me for a minute and starts up
his car flying off down  the street.

After I got home I  changed into a comfy  white sweater and some  leggings.I threw my hair in a  low messy bun, I mean I was at home. I jumped on my bed and threw the covers
on me.

I  remember I got Lucas's number so I ran to go
grab it from my jean  pocket. I opened the note and notice little hearts on the note. My cheeks go into a light blush.

I dial his number making sure not to mess up. The phone starts to ring and I panic. God knows where Billy's at he left at he dropped me
off home. I hear Lucas's voice on the other side of the phone,my heart is pounding in my chest like it's about to burst any second now.

"Hello?" He says in a normal tone. "Hey uhm.. it's max " I say sweating like crazy."oh hey Max!" "Yeah uhm you said you wanted to come
Over?" I say cringing at how nervous I am.

"Oh yeah uhm does 4:30 sound good?"
He says. "Yeah sounds great I live in the new
White House that was just built. " I say back.
"Okay see you soon bye" he says. "Bye".
my heart is jumping for joy, I INVITED LUCAS OVER!

I walk back to my room shutting the door behind me. I look out the window and  look at the fall weather.

I realize  Lucas is coming pretty soon, I quickly clean my room a little bit and plop on my bed.
I feel theses butterflies everytime  I'm around
him it's so weird.

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𝖧𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍;𝖫𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗑Where stories live. Discover now