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Max's pov:

I woke up the next morning to a note on my bedside table. I slowly pulled the note from my bed side table,I had to look over this  quick because Billy was already hollering about
me being late. I wonder when he came back...

I opened the note,"Hey max you fell asleep while we were watching tv I decided to go home so you could sleep. -from lucas💕. God he was we so sweet.

I decided to keep the note but I had to
hide it from billy. I stuffed it under my
pillow for now. and decided to get
ready for today.

I get in the shower and realize something.
what does Lucas see in me? Everyone else
Thinks I'm weird. He's probably just trying
to be nice. I get out the shower and get my
clothes on.

I threw on gray sweater And some
light blue jeans. I put on some converse shoes,
As usual, I grab my skateboard and walkman and head out the door.

Billy was waiting in the car. And I already knew where this argument was going so I came out with my earphones in. It was only the second day of school.

I finally make it to school and start walking
to first period when I hear someone call me.
"Hey redhead!" Troy says. I try my best
to ignore him making him mad.

until he snatches my ear phones out
my ears and breaks them. I look at the shattered pieces on my floor but don't
pick them up."listen dipshit, just because
your life is pathetic and hopeless DOESNT
mean you get to make mine the same!" I shout and walk into first period leaving him shocked.

I threw my bookbag on the floor and
see Lucas coming in. He immediately looks
at me and I look at the floor. My eyes are glossy
and bloodshot red. I ask Mrs. Smith to go to
the bathroom.

I get in the stall and start crying. Why does
everyone hate me so much. I never do anything to them. I unlock the stall and go to the mirror.

I run some cold water and splash it
on my face. I wipe the remaining tears
With my sleeve and look in the mirror.
What happened to tuff Maxine?

I walk back into the class with my head down.
And sit in the back. I started sketching. When I hear Mrs.smith telling us about the homework,
Damn I was in the bathroom long.

We all exit the class (because the bell rung) and head to second period but Lucas comes up to me."what happened max?" He says reading right through me." Nothing Lucas" I say."im going to keep asking if you don't tell me." He says.

"Fine Troy broke my earphones
this morning because I ignored his smart remarks " I say looking him in the eyes ."god I hate him you should have told me sooner" he
Says comforting me.

(503 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌)

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