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Lucas's pov

"God what the hell have I done!"
I curse under my breath as I watch
Max and Will leave.

Sydney then comes up to me. Wrong
timing."heyy Lucas" she says twirling
her hair."not now Sydney! " I say in

" god Lucas you don't have to
act like that to me" she says in
a bratty tone. I just roll my eyes.

I messed up. Big time. Max is
horribly upset with me. Will
hates me now to.

I put my face in my hands
and put my head on my desk.
I keep thinking about Max and
how I hurt her.

I don't even know why I chose
Sydney when my heart belongs
to Max. I was just acting stupid.

Now she probably hates me.God
I'm such an idiot. Lucas Sinclair
is officially a idiot.

Finally ,which seemed like forever
the bell rang. I threw my backpack
across my back and walked out to
the bike rack.

But when I'm about to pull off
I hear a voice. Sydney's.I
turn my head around and
see her hanging with Tyrone.

I keep watching and I see her kiss
Tyrone. Should have seen that one
coming. I didn't feel any heartbreak
But one thing I knew I had to do was,

Get Max back. If it was the
last thing I ever did.
(227 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌)

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