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Max's pov


Me , Steve ,and Robin Hear dustin
suggest to come to the back where we
are. Steve hurry's to get out of the
backroom to beat dustin  getting back

I hear Steve acting casual but everyone
Once in a while eyeing us through the
Glass window."Jesus hes making it
obvious" I say. "Dingus" Robin
Says while rolling her eyes.

Me and robin sit in the back while
waiting for Steve to come back and
We see Steve rush back in here.
Steve starts to talk extra loud.

Steve says hinting at something.
"UH SURE?" Robin says thinking of
What to do.

Steve walks back out. And Robin runs over to me. "I TOLD THEM I WAS GOING HOME!"
I whisper yell. "Calm down I'm sure will
Wouldn't  snitch to Lucas" Robin says.

I see the door swing open and there is
Will and Steve. "Robin where are- MAX?"
Will says. I give Robin a look and she rubs
Her neck. I hear  3 people rush
Towards the door not Long after
Will screamed.

Steve looks horrified and the door swings
open. Mike,Lucas, and Dustin look Wills
Direction right where I'm sitting. "Surprise?"
I say.

"Max I thought you went home!" Dustin says
looking at me with wide eyes. I look down at the floor. "I came to stay with Steve and Robin
instead" I mumble.

"And Sinclair  I'm going to Have to have a talk with you" Steve says through gritted teeth.
Lucas looks at me but I don't look back.

"Max what are you doing here" Lucas says.
"None of your concern" I mumble under my
breath. I can feel robins eyes burning against
my face which causes me to tear up.

I start to panic because everyone's
eyes is on me and before I knew it,
I was having another attack. Robin
noticed before the others and made me look up
At her. "Max look at me. MAXINE! Look
At me" Robin starts repeating.

I see everyone's shoes moving towards
me which causes me to panic even more.
My breath is limited my mouth is going
Dry and I'm sweating and shaking.

My vision starts to go blurry from
Tears building up in my eyes. I feel a
pair of arms. I don't know who it is
But I can't calm down to think.

"Max.. listen to me" I heard Lucas say.
I couldn't protest against Lucas speaking so  I keep listening."Look at me Max. I just want to
Help you.." Lucas says in a soft voice.

I slowly look up at Lucas with
all my might as I can hardly breath.
Lucas looks me straight In the eyes
as i look back in his chocolate brown ones.

"You remember that day that we went
absolutely anywhere because we had
nowhere to go? And you started making
fun of me because I kept staring at you??"
Lucas says.

I remember that day like it was
Yesterday. "And we took a photo
Together and you were on my back
And after the photo you told me to
Put you down, and I said never" Lucas
laughs at the moment.

" I started to run with you on my back,
And you were screaming at me to put you down." Lucas says finishing that story."and
I never told you why I was staring at you so
Much.. it's because.. I- I love you max." Lucas says.

"And.. i love you on your good days and your bad days,I don't know what I would do without
You. Your the highlight of my life max. We may get in fights and I make stupid mistakes but It's all worth it if I have you at the end of the day." Lucas says Continuing to look me in
The eyes.

Everyone else is looking in awe. Soon enough I was back to normal. My breathing was back to
Normal. The dryness in my mouth was gone
And my tears were clearing up. I look at Lucas
In the eyes and just hug him.

My face is in the crook of his neck
While his head rests on My shoulder.
"I love you to Lucas" I whisper to him
I feel his smile forming. I close my eyes
As I hug him. "I'm here  to Help you
through this. Always." Lucas whispers back.

"Thank you." I say to him. "And I'm
So sorry Max for Sydney kissing me
I promise I didn't kiss back and I
Pushed her off" Lucas whispers.

"I feel like a idiot for getting mad at you"
I say feeling bad. "Don't worry about it
I would have been the same way" Lucas
Says reassuring me.

I finally open my eyes and pull away from
The hug. Everyone seems to be in complete
Awe. "It's about time you told her you love
Her Lucas you have been saying this forever"
Mike blurts out. "MICHAEL WHEELER" Lucas yells.

"What sorry?" Mike says giggling."does
Anyone still want that ice cream?" Steve says
Out of nowhere." I am hungry though" I say.
"I'll pay for it " Lucas adds in. "On the house
dingus" Robin says. Mike, Dustin, Will,Steve
And Robin all walk out the back room.

But Lucas comes back and gives me a kiss
On the lips. I obviously kiss back. My face
Is burning red and Lucas grabs my hand
And we walk out together.

We all got out ice cream and sat down
at the first table. We all started to eat
when Lucas whispers something to me.
"I'm glad we can be heart to heart
MadMax." " Me to stalker.".

The end.

(956 𝖶𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌)

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