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Max's po

Me and Will went to starcourt the
morning after the sleepover. An got
New tapes.Todays it's currently Thursday.
it's been  3 days since me and Lucas had that fall out.

Billy then busts into my  room.

I roll my eyes and get ready for the
day. I can't wait for summer break.
even tho it's only October.

After getting ready, I tie my shoes
and head out the door. I decided to
listen to should I stay it should I go
since Will suggested it to me.

When we pull up to the school
I get out the car holding onto
my backpack strap as I walk.

When I make it to my locker
I started getting what I needed
for first period. then I see Troy
In the corner of my eye.

I start praying to god he doesn't see
me but I am Maxine mayfield so
that doesn't happen. As soon a
Troy  spots me he walked towards
my locker

"Hey red head where's your freak-o
boyfriend? Oh wait that's right
you don't have one " he and James

I roll my eyes and try to walk past
Troy but he grabs the collar
of my sweater and  throws me
against the locker.

I start to get dizzy from the impact
and my vison is a blur from tears.
I hear Troy and James laughing
James  grabs my hair tie out my hair.

bystanders laugh while I sit against my
locker on the ground.

James  throws the hair tie back to me
and walks off laughing. I hate having my
hair down. I feel like it attracts more
attention to me,my hairs not tangled
at all it's very soft.

I hear Lucas and the party walking
My direction. Lucas freezes when he
sees me. I look back at him and get up
from the ground.

" MAX WAIT-" Lucas yells.before
I could hear what he was trying to
say I was running  to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and look
I'm the mirror. My eyes are glossing
up with tears. I Luckly brought my
backpack with me to the bathroom.

I looking in the front pocket and
find a hair brush. I brush down my hair
to where it looks better and throw it back
into  a low bun.

I couldn't control my breath at all.
I tried to control my tears but the kept
falling. I looked into the mirror and all
these words ran through my head.

-over dramatic

The words stung each time I thought.
then Lucas came to my mind. Lucas
probably hates me. He probs thinks
I'm ugly and annoying and selfish and

He's probably just being nice.I mumble.
The bell rang so I wiped my tears and
took deep breaths before walking out the bathroom.

I kept my headphones on that
Surprisingly survived what Troy
did. I played running up that hill
and walked out the bathroom.

I had no time to grab anything else so
I just shut my locker and walked to
first Period. "Your late Maxine"
"It's max" I mumble.

"Don't be late again max." My teacher says with
Annoyance before sending me to my seat.
I walked to my seat next to Lucas and
took off my headphones.

I could feel Lucas's eyes on me
as I sketched on my notebook.
I started to think about the those
words again.

over dramatic.

My eyes start to tear up and I look
down.  My tear hits my notebook paper
and I look up to wipe my eyes. I turn
and see Lucas and we make eye contact.

Next thing I knew class over. I start to put
my stuff in my bag when Lucas comes up to
me ."Max i know something is wrong" he says
in a soft tone.

Since me and Lucas had the
same classes we decided to walk and talk.
"Okay you got me... Before you came
Troy started calling my boyfriend a freak
even tho I don't have one and it's obvious why.

After that  I tried to walk away from him, and he grabbed the collar of my sweater and threw me against the locker and I thought I was gonna pass out from the impact because it hurt like hell

So then I ended up on the floor like
you found me but Troy pulled
my hair tie from my hair and told
everyone I don't own a hair brush and
that I'm broke and deserve nothing"

I started crying again like a idiot.
"Maxine mayfield.Look at me.I look at him trying to stop crying."Don't even believe anything Troy has to say. No your boyfriend Wouldn't be a freak as long as they treat you right.

Your hair looks amazing as always
no matter if it's in a ponytail, down, or even
A hot mess I love you for that. And finally you deserve everything Maxine Mayfield. Everything and I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect  you from Troy. But I'll do everything in my power to make sure
there's not a next time."

I'm blushing like crazy while looking
at my shoes. I hug Lucas and thank him a lot
before the bell rings and we make it to
Class. God I love Lucas Sinclair.

I just hope he loves me the
same way. As I love him..

(944 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌)

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