chapter 33.

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chapter 33
rule 33. can't help people that don't wanna help themselves
10pm in NYC
Kori's POV

"Mannnnnnn I hate studying," I mumbled to myself as I sat on FaceTime with Samir. I was going to YOLO it and rely on my past smarts.

But I kind of don't wanna do bad on my regents.

Samir on the other hand...he didn't give two fucks. The only time he would study is if he was on FaceTime with me and I forced him to study. Or if we studied after school in the library. Or we sit in my living room.

And those instances happened maybeee 2 times a week because I wanted him to at least try.

I really wish he had more motivation to do better in school but he does not give 2 shits and doesn't even care about college. So that's that. And I'm not going to waste my time trying to force studying on him when it's gonna go right out his head.

But regardless I was trying my hardest to study. Regents was in 2 weeks and I'm hoping to do better than I did freshman year. But not stress myself too much because sophmore year is aight. Junior year is when I know Ima be really stressed.

I looked back at my camera and he was zoned out completely staring at nothing. He has been like this for the past few minutes."

"Not gone lie Kori, I can't focus for shit." He finally said once he looked back at me.

"No duh ur high." I replied in a monotone voice. Like these are the only times when I can try to help him, can he just idk not be high right now. That would kind of help.

"You're mad?" He asked as I finally looked at the camera. He was absolutely off it.

"Yes because this is the only time where you put a little effort into studying with me. And you can't even focus at all because you're off it. You already smoke odee and there's no problem with that. But you know I am actually trying to help you and I can't help you in this state." I was annoyed.

"Damn. Look you knew I wasn't really gonna care about this." He laughed like I was playing or something.

"But I just wanted to try and you can't even at least pretend to wanna work with me." Genuinely I am going to stop trying to help him because this seems to all go to shit.

He didn't reply just looked at me.

"Samir goodnight." I banged it and then my music went back to playing.

Girl, you're so sexy
Everybody should see your body, yeah
Girl, you're so sexy
I think, everyone should see you
Everyone should see you in the open

Damn I kind of feel bad for banging it on him. But I was a little bothered. I think I just wanna help him when he clearly doesn't want my help.

I have no problem with him not wanting to go to college and just saying "fuck it" after school. But damn at least try for the rest of high school.

And it's not just that. He's been getting high like every fucking day, no breaks. And it's lowkey fun at first but I know it gets addicting. And it's getting to the point where he can't function without it.

I literally have no problems with him doing so because I love smoking too. But I don't want him to get completely dependent and can't focus without it.

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