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Suddenly Steve heard a loud voice yell something. He couldn't tell what it was saying. He saw with his blurred vision everyone run away. He saw someone approach him. He winced at first thinking it was Tommy.

"Harrington it's me" Billy's gruff voice said. Billy helped Steve to the lockers rooms. Steve got changed. Billy helped Steve out to his car. "You sure you can drive Harrington" Billy asked. "Yeah I'll be fine,this isn't the first time it's happened and it's been worse, usually no one stops it" Steve said,"thanks" he added. "No problem harrington, I may not like you but that's brutal, it was basically the entire team against you, you didn't stand a chance" Billy said, lighting a cigarette.

He offered it to Steve after taking a puff. Steve accepted it. Steve took a puff before handing it back. Steve felt safe, something he doesn't ever feel anymore. He was so used to being in danger and having to be in fear. He finally was relaxed for once.

Billy and Steve passed the cigarette back and forth until it was gone. "Well see you around Harrington" Billy said, hopping in his precious blue Camero. "See ya and thanks again" Steve said. "Anytime Harrington" Billy said before speeding off. Steve hopped in his car and drove home.

He walked to his kitchen. He opened the fridge and was greeted with nothing but some wine his parents had left from the last time they'd come home. "Guess I'll go hungry" Steve mumbled.

Suddenly the phone rang. He picked it up. "Hello" Steve mumbled into the phone. "Hey Steve, the party was wondering if we could sleep over and play DnD at your house tonight" He heard Dustin say cheerfully through the phone. "Sure kid, just bring your own food I don't have anything over here for you guys to eat" Steve said. "Okay see you soon" Dustin said before hanging up.

Steve dragged himself to the bathroom. He cringed when he saw himself in the mirror. Blood was pouring from basically everywhere on his face. Before he could even start on cleaning himself up he heard loud knocking at the front door.

"How'd they get here so fast" he mumbled to himself as he left the bathroom. He walked downstairs and opened the door. He didn't care if they saw his face they were used to it.

Instead of the kids he saw Billy. He saw max standing behind him. Billy pushed past Steve without saying a word and max followed, making herself at home on the couch.

"Where's your medical kit" Billy asked. "Bathroom under the sink" Steve responded quietly. Billy went to grab it. He came back with it in his hands and searched through its contents. "Shirt, off" Billy demanded softly yet still in a stern tone. Steve obeyed and took off his shirt then sat next to max on the couch. Billy examined him.

Billy began cleaning all the cuts, gaining whines and flinches from Steve when the peroxide would touch an open wound. There was another knock at the door. "Max get that" Billy said quietly. Max got up and opened the door,letting the rest of the party and Jonathan and Nancy in.

They all stared shocked at the sight of Steve's bruised and semi bloody body being tended to by Billy, the ticking time bomb. Steve just hung his head, only making small noises from pain. "Quit staring and get on with your nerdy little game" Billy said. They all sat in the living room and started to play DnD.

Billy finished patching up the wounds on Steve's chest and began on his face. It was a lot worse. You couldn't even see Steve's skin it was just blood. Billy began to wipe away all the blood trying to find the sources.

Steve yelled from pain when Billy went over a spot startling everyone in the room including Billy. Everyone stared at him.

"What did I say, quit staring" Billy yelled at them. "Sorry that we're concerned for our friend" Nancy shot back. "I've got it under control go back to playing the game or whatever you shitheads were doing" Billy said, turning his attention back to Steve who was on the verge of tears.

"Relax Harrington,I'm just trying to find the sources of the bleeding" Billy said. "I-it just hurts a lot" Steve muttered out. "I know, you look like you've seen better days but the faster I can get you patched up the faster you won't be in pain and the faster I can get the fuck out of here" Billy said, continuing to wipe.

Once he cleaned all the dried blood off Steve's face he saw the large gash right under his eye that was starting to get puffy. He gently dabbed it with peroxide causing Steve to jump. "Can't you just throw a band-aid over it" Steve mumbled out,gripping tightly onto the couch. "It needs cleaned or it'll get infected dumbass" Billy said, lightly dabbing it again.

Billy watched as Steve bit his lip and gripped the couch tighter. "Jesus they really fucked you up" Billy said, rubbing some ointment on it then putting a bandage over it. "I'm used to it, it's been worse, a lot of the ones you cleaned on my chest and stomach have been there for weeks" Steve mumbled out with a slight chuckle.

"That's not a good thing Harrington" Billy said, cleaning up one of the several cuts on Steve's cheek. "I know it's not but I don't really give a shit anymore, I'm tired of caring about them,so I just don't react,I just don't fight back, because the second I do that just gives them more of a reason to hurt me" Steve said.

"It gives them the only reason they'd have to hurt you,you mean" Billy said. "I deserve it, I've been such an asshole to everyone so this is their pay back" Steve said. "You don't deserve this Harrington" Billy said.

"You wouldn't know, you've never met 'king Steve', I was a huge asshole, I did anything to bring myself to the top, it was all a stupid act anyway, that's why I'm no longer King, because I stopped acting" Steve said

"I wish I was never 'king Steve',I wish I was always a nobody,I wish I would've just sat in the corner and not talked to anyone, maybe then Tommy would leave me alone" he added.

Billy understood that. He didn't hate how popular he was but he hated getting dragged to these lame ass parties. He hated how everyone else who had a sliver of popularity suddenly thought they were his friend. That's what Tommy thinks. He thinks that he's so cool for beating up the old king and that he's popular and friends with Billy

That couldn't be more wrong. Billy hated his guts. Billy has since he first saw him. That annoying voice and stupid face. The way he pushes everyone around. The way he gets jealous when teachers don't announce his name when a teacher is complementing someone. He was so self centered.

What he hated most was how he treated Steve. Pushing him around, slamming him against things, punching him until someone stopped him, getting all his goons to jump him, nearly beating steve to death. Billy had done that last one and he regrets it. It was forever ago but it was always on his mind. He'll never tell Steve he's sorry about it but it didn't matter anymore anyway.

Billy finished cleaning Steve up. He looked at his work, making sure he didn't miss anywhere. Steves face and body were littered with bandaids and very large bruises. The biggest bruise was on Steve's face. It went all the way from his hairline down his cheek and to his jaw.

"Turn around" billy demanded softly. Steve slowly turned around. There was a large burn on his back that went from one side to another and was very wide. Billy couldn't tell what it was from. "Jesus it just doesn't end does it" Billy said. "Yeah, there's probably more on my legs but I'll handle those, probably just bruises and small cuts" Steve said.

Billy didn't know how to tend to the wound because he didn't know what type of burn it was. "Friction burn" Dustin said,almost like he read Billy's mind. Some simple ointment would help. Billy covered the wound with the remainder of the ointment. He then slapped on a few huge bandages.

"There now, off with your pants" Billy said. Steve looked at all the kids. "We won't look" lucas said. Steve slowly slid off his pants. Billy was quick to take care of the few wounds on Steve's legs. Like steve assumed it was just small cuts and bruises.

Finally billy was done. He looked over Steve again, checking for any spots he missed. "Alright all done harrington" Billy said. Steve slid his pants on. "Thank you" Steve said. "You're welcome,I'll see you tomorrow" Billy said, standing up. Steve followed him out the front door, waving him goodbye before walking back inside,shutting and locking the door.

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