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Steve woke up in a hospital bed. No one was there with him. He wondered if Billy left him alone. He noticed the bandages around his chest. He hated hospitals. He didn't like the smell or having to sit and wait for so long. He absolutely hated needles but everytime he came in they would always stick him with one. He saw an iv in his arm. He looked away he didn't like to look. It made him feel sick to see it sticking in his skin.

The door to the hospital room opened and the whole group poured in, including Hopper and Joyce. "He doesn't seem as happy" Lucas whispered to no one in particular. "Where's Billy" Steve asked. "He went to go grab some food to sneak in for you" Max said.

"Why didn't you tell any of us about your rib" Nancy asked. "Because they've broken my ribs before, they heal on their own the only thing they would give would be pain killers" Steve said. "They had to remove the piece that broke off from what Billy said" Hopper said. (They probably don't do this irl Idk I'm not a doctor)

The door opened and in came Billy. He pulled a bag of food into view. Steve's face lit up. "You hungry?" Billy asked. "Very I haven't eaten since lunch" Steve said. The group went silent as Billy and Steve talked and ate the food. Billy gave Steve a smoothie which Steve slurped up instantly.

A doctor came in and said Steve was free to go. They told Hopper how to take care of Steve. They handed a small bag with medicine in it to hopper then left. Steve put on his clothes that were neatly stacked on a chair next to him then hopped up. He rode back to his house with Billy.

When they got there they all saw Steve still had a small smile on his face. While Billy didn't see a problem with it,seeing everyone's reactions made him think he should. "You feeling okay Stevie boy?" Billy asked as they all sat on or around the couch.
"I've felt better but I've also felt worse so" Steve said with a soft smile.

"Alright since no one else is gonna ask,why are you so happy?" Hopper asked. "I dunno,should I not be?" Steve asked. "No it's fine it's just unusual for you due to the not so recent events" Hopper said. "I guess I'm starting to feel a little safer now I don't know, I'm kinda scaring myself if I'm being honest" Steve said.

He knew he was acting weird. It was like he couldn't really control himself. Like the real Steve was just sitting there like a voice in his head while someone else did all the talking and moving and thinking. He just sat back and watched. He didn't exactly like it. But at least everyone was starting to think he was going back to how he used to be so maybe this isn't that bad.

"I'm lost, why is it odd of him to be happy, he's not an emotionless robot" Billy said, seemingly angry. "Oh boy have we got some stuff to tell you" Hopper said. After explaining everything they assumed Billy wouldn't believe them. "Wait so that one has powers?" Billy said, looking at El. El nodded and made a small object come towards her as proof.

"So these weird little creatures started coming in from some other dimension and shit and you guys are the only people who know except the government" Billy asked. "Yup that's why Steve always seems so quiet and fearful, he has a fear that it'll come back but it's been almost a year so we don't think so" Dustin said.

It was so odd to Steve to feel safe. He was constantly worried and looking around like someone watching him, stalking their prey. He never went into the woods when they went on walks, they had to drag him to get him to go and he'd freak out until they left. The only thing they saw make Steve slightly happy was going to scoops ahoy. He loved it there. It was the one place where they saw he truly relaxed. Just thinking about it made Steve want ice cream.

They noticed Steve was starting to get giddy, he was moving and fidgeting a lot. He kept bouncing up and down in his place on the couch. He was rocking back and forth. He seemed happy, really happy. They couldn't tell if he was just super nervous or really happy because he does that stuff when he's nervous too.

"You ok Steve?" Joyce asked. "Yup I'm fine" Steve said, still doing his things. He started to kick his feet and that was their indication that he was happy not nervous. "Come on I'ma go smoke" Billy said to Steve. Steve followed him.

They stepped on the front porch and Billy lit up a cigarette. Steve and Billy passed it back and forth. Steve seemed to calm a little being in just billy's presence. "Why are you always so excited to see me" Billy asked. "I don't know really, I just enjoy having you around, I thought you hated me because of the whole,you know" Steve said,taking a long puff from the cigarette.

He handed it back to Billy and let the smoke pour from his mouth. "Yeah, I regret that a lot actually, you were just trying to protect the kids and I nearly killed you, I'm glad max stepped in" Billy said. Steve knew that was Billy's way of apologizing. Steve kept kicking his heels together. He was acting like a small child.

"Never knew you acted so childish pretty boy" Billy said. "I'm just really happy" Steve said. "About what" Billy asked. "I dunno" Steve said with a chuckle. "God you're so cute" Billy said,under his breath. Steve heard it loud and clear. His face turned bright red. He saw Billy smirk.

They finished off the cigarette and walked back inside. They sat next to each other on the couch and tuned into the conversation. Well Billy tuned into the conversation, Steve was in his own little world just Vibing. He was rocking back and forth a little and seemed a little more calm than earlier.

"I'm gonna go lay down I'm tired, you guys already know where the guest bedroom is if you wanna stay in there, if you don't then I'm sure Billy won't mind taking it, if he wants to stay that is" Steve said, looking at Billy,the look in his eyes almost begging for Billy to stay.

"I'll stay pretty boy,where's the guest bedroom?" Billy asked. "Right next to my room I'll show you if you want" Steve said,standing up. "Alright" Billy said,standing up. Steve led him upstairs and showed Billy his own room and the guest bedroom. Steve said goodnight to Billy and laid down in his bed. He fell asleep quite easily.

Sorry only one chapter today I'll try to have a few more tomorrow :)

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