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Steve walked back over to the couch, grabbing his shirt and throwing it on. He hopped on the couch,wincing in pain when his back came into contact with it.

He didn't tell Billy about the crack he heard from his rib. It would heal by itself anyway. The only thing a doctor would do would give him pain killers, he knows because they've cracked his ribs dozens of times.

"Soo what was that all about" Nancy asked Steve. "I dunno he probably just pitied me, I don't mind, it would be nice to have Hargrove watch my back" Steve mumbled with his eyes closed.

He heard his stomach growl loudly but he didn't care. "Steve have you eaten since you've gotten home?" Jonathan asked him. "No I don't have any food and I don't have the money to buy any" Steve said, turning to his side before quickly turning back after feeling the pain of putting pressure on it.

"I'll run to the store and buy you some groceries" Jonathan said, standing up. "Thanks but you don't have to" Steve said, still having his eyes closed. "You need food Steve, if you can't get it yourself I will" Jonathan said, walking out the door.

"You know he was actually worried about you" Max said. "I doubt it, Hargrove doesn't worry about anyone but you" Steve said. "I've never seen him more concerned, as soon as he got me in the car he sped here" Max said. "He just pitied me that's all" Steve said.

He refused to believe Billy actually cared,he simply thought Billy was trying to make him feel better. He must've notice how no one else was helping him so he felt bad. That's what Steve believed.

After that no one questioned him or said anything else about it. They wanted Steve to rest. They didn't know about Steve's horrible nightmares because he never told them. He never told them how he actually felt.

He always put on this fake smile that was easy to see through. But no one could ever read him, they knew he wasn't happy but they never knew what he was feeling. They only knew he was in constant fear.

Anytime he heard a noise that wasn't the kids he jumped. He would go and check everywhere he could before deeming it safe again. They let him,they knew it gave him a small sense of security.

Hopper has tried dozens of times to get Steve to be more open. Everyone has tried to get him to open up more but he bottles it away. He refuses to let anyone know how he feels. He plays along with them, putting a fake face on, giving everyone that small bit of hope that he's normal again before going back to his saddened and horrified state.

It was hard for everyone to see. Hopper and Joyce tried and failed many times to comfort Steve, opening up their homes to him since they knew he basically lived alone since his parents were never home.

Trying their best to make him trust them. He did trust them, he trusted all his friends but he never expresses anything other than small genuine smiles at the mention of something he likes.

He never snapped at them, he never had sudden bursts of happiness or sadness or any other emotion. He was just Steve. His quiet and lonely self, giving small reactions and small answers when asked questions or small bits of conversation when talked to.

Jonathan came back with some groceries. He put them away in Steve's fridge after noticing Steve was already asleep.

Steve ran through the woods, pushing all the kids infront of him and yelling at them to run faster. He saw hopper and Joyce,the kids ran and hid behind hopper. Steve suddenly stopped,why. Why did he stop. He wasn't safe he was far from it. Suddenly the feeling of claws in his back shocked him back. He let out a blood curdling scream. He shaked and kicked his legs, trying to get the creature off him but failing. He felt the claws sink deeper and the thing start to eat at his neck. He watched as everyone ran leaving him behind. At least they were safe, that's all that mattered. "Steve!" He heard Nancy yell from far away. "Steve get up!" He heard her yell, seeming closer this time.

Suddenly Steve woke up to someone shaking him. "Steve!" Nancy yelled. He opened his eyes and shot up. He panted and wiped away his streaming tears. He looked at everyone who was staring at him, seeing the concern in their eyes.

He got up without a word and walked to his room, everyone's eyes following him,watching as he wobbled to his room,holding his aching side. He quietly shut his door and locked it. He walked over to his bed.

He carefully laid down in his bed,not wanting to cause any pain. That was impossible. No matter how he laid he was in pain, so he just laid on his side with no hurt ribs with his knees tucked to his chest, curled into a ball.

He heard knocks at the door but refused to get up and open it. He didn't fall asleep again. He just laid there. All alone. In the darkness. Waiting for his alarm to go off.

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