I love you

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Final chapter, and Smut(This is my first time writing smut so sorry if it's bad qwq it's also a very long chapter so enjoy!) :]

"Alright you look great!" Max said, looking at Steve just to make sure he looked perfect. She tucked a small part of Steve's hair behind his ear and out of his face. Steve had asked her for help with an outfit. "Are you sure the shorts aren't too much?" Steve asked as he stared at himself in the mirror,looking at how much of his thighs showed while he was wearing the lavender shorts that didn't even go halfway down his thigh. "They're perfect they tie the whole thing together!" Max exclaimed, proud of her work. Max had added a small bit of blush to Steve's cheeks so now his cheeks were a rosey pink. She also tried her best to cover up the bruises on his face with the makeup. They were still noticable but she had made them a little less dark. Steve used his cherry chapstick on his lips. "Where the hell did you even find this sweater I haven't seen it before but it's so soft" Steve said,looking at the gorgeous deep purple sweater he was wearing. "I found it in the back of your closet" Max said.

They walked out of the room and everyone looked at Steve. Billy stared with his mouth open, taking in every bit of the sight. "You look cool Steven" El said. All the boys complimented Steve and max looked very proud of herself. "You know maybe purple is your color pretty boy" Billy said, kissing Steve lightly on the cheek. "Eh I'm not too sure,you like it?" Steve said. "You look gorgeous stevie boy" Billy said. All the kids grabbed their stuff and walked outside.

"Are you guys sure you're okay to ride your bikes home,I can drive you before we leave" Steve said. He was always nervous about letting them go by themselves. "We'll be fine Steve, quit worrying about us, just enjoy your date" Dustin said. "Alright, just be careful,use the walkie talkie if you need me" Steve said as they rode away. He walked back inside. "Don't worry about them stevie boy, my sister is with them and she can kick some serious ass, and that jane girl,or El as you guys call her, she's there too" Billy said. "Yeah, I'm just worried it'll come back and take them before I can get there to help" Steve said,grabbing his bag. "If you keep worrying your gonna end up convinced it is back, it's not gonna come back Steve, it's over, and even if it does, you guys closed the gate and defeated it twice now so I'm sure you can figure out how to do it one more time" Billy said.

"I hope you're right" Steve said. They walked out and to Billy's car. Steve hopped in the passenger seat. They took off in the dark to lovers lake. Billy was blasting rock love songs. Steve hummed along to the few he knew. They arrived at lovers lake. Billy pulled up pretty close to the lake. "Why so close?" Steve asked. "why not" Billy responded as he hopped out of the car. Steve got out and him and Billy went out to the lake. "Wanna go for a swim?" Billy asked. "Sure" Steve said. They stripped down to just their boxers and jumped in. Steve didn't like to go swimming a whole lot but he doesn't usually mind when he's with someone he trusts, just as long as he isn't alone. Him and Billy messed around in the water, splashing each other and diving under.

Steve swam up to the top. He looked up at the pretty stars. "C'mon lets dry off and look at the stars" Billy said. They climbed out and Billy pulled some towels out from his trunk. Billy and Steve dried off then put their clothes back on and sat on the hood of Billy's Blue Camero. They leaned back and looked up at the stars. Steve pointed out a few constellation to Billy. "I know what constellations are stevie boy" Billy said. "I just wanted to point some out, incase you couldn't see them" Steve said. Billy let out a small chuckle. They both fell silent as they looked up at the black sky that was littered with the bright white stars and a lovely crescent moon.

"It's so pretty" Steve said. "Not as pretty as you pretty boy" Billy replied, causing Steve to blush. "I know I'm pretty but I don't think you can get prettier than a night sky littered with stars" Steve said. "Well you must be thinkin' wrong" Billy said, leaning over and planting a small kiss on Steve's cheek,right on one of Steve's freckles. Steve let out a small giggle. Billy planted a few more kisses on Steve's cheek before turning his head back to the stars. They sat silently again, looking up at the gorgeous sight. Billy looked over at Steve and saw his eyes glistening. Steve had told Billy he really loved to star gaze,that's why Billy brought him here. He knew it would be the perfect place to bring Steve.

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