Cuddle me

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Billy stopped at Steve's and dropped the kids off. Him and Steve stepped out on the porch. "I'll uh see you later, then we can talk about the whole thing that happened in the library" Billy said softly. "Okay" Steve said with a slight giggle. He kissed the tip of Billy's nose then watched as Billy walked off. "Be careful please, come back as soon as you can" Steve said.

"I will be Harrington, he won't hurt me too bad, probably a punch at most" Billy said before speeding off. Steve was worried. He didn't like what billy's dad was doing. It was wrong on so many levels. He started to understand why Billy might've been such an asshole. He just needed somewhere to let out that frustration. "Don't worry about him too much, he can handle it" Steve heard Max say from behind him.

"His dad shouldn't be doing that it's wrong" Steve said. "Yeah it is but last time I tried to intervene Billy got his ass kicked for me so I wouldn't get hurt so I try not to get in neil's way anymore" Max said. "It's good that you at least tried to stick up for him, sadly it's safer if you don't though" Steve said. "Yeah, I wish Neil would just leave him alone, yeah he's a bit of a punk and he doesn't exactly like my mom but he doesn't deserve all that" Max said.

"May I ask why doesn't he like your mom" Steve asked. "He doesn't like anyone neil gets with from what he told me I don't really know why but it probably has to do with him not having his mom around anymore, kinda like me and my dad" Max said. "Ah that makes sense, I think I'm starting to get him to open up a little more" Steve said. "Yeah he likes you a lot I can tell, I've never seen him smile at someone like he does you" Max said. "You know how to keep a secret?" Steve asked.

"Yeah I've kept the one lucas and all you told me" Max said. "You might've already caught on,you're a smart kid, but me and Billy aren't just friends anymore" Steve said. "I figured, I saw him go to your room last night after he heard you scream, I was getting a midnight snack, then I saw you two this morning cuddling, also check your fridge the picture is quite cute if I do say so myself" Max said. "You took a picture?" Steve asked. "Yup, pretty cute I'd say, definitely a keeper" Max said with a giggle.

Steve felt relieved that she didn't say anything bad about him and Billy. "So what's your sexuality, if you don't mind me asking" She asked. "Bi I think, still exploring but that's what I've settled on for now" Steve said. "It takes time to find yourself,just explore until you feel comfortable" She said. Steve patted her head. He had always favorited her a little more than the others. Mainly because she was a real helpful kid. She always told the others to keep it down when he was trying to sleep because she knew he had struggle sleeping.

They sat on the porch talking at some moments then sitting in silence the next. They saw Billy's car pull up and Billy stumble out. "God that old fucker hits hard" Billy mumbled as he walked to the porch. His nose was bleeding and he had a bruise forming on his cheek. "God I hate your dad already" Steve said, leading Billy inside. Max sat on the couch and Steve led Billy up to the bathroom. He cleaned off the dry blood from under Billy's nose then gave him a small kiss on the tip of the nose.

"So what exactly are we" Steve asked. "Whatever you want us to be pretty boy" Billy said. "How about, boyfriends?" Steve said. "I'd love that" Billy said, kissing Steve. Steve kissed back. They kissed for a good few minutes before breaking it. "C'mon lets go hang around with the kids" Steve said. "Okay" Billy said with a smile. They walked out and downstairs. They sat on the couch and watched as the kids played dnd. It was fun to watch and they laughed quite a bit.

Eventually it became bedtime and all the kids settled down in the living room. Billy snuck into Steve's room. "Cuddle me" Steve said with a fake frowny face. "Alright pretty boy scoot over" Billy said. Steve obeyed and Billy laid down and wrapped his arms around Steve. "I love you Billy" Steve said. "I love you too Steve" Billy said, kissing the top of Steve's head.

Eventually they both fell asleep cuddling each other. That night Steve had no nightmares. He didn't wake up screaming and crying. He didn't thrash around like he usually does when he's having one. He just stayed cuddled up to Billy all night with a small smile on his face. The kids snuck in a few times to look and giggle about it. Eventually they quit after they all laid down too.

Hello! I'm planning on writing another Harringrove fanfic of ghost Billy, I already have part of the first chapter written but I wanna know if that's something anyone would be interested in! I also probably will wait until I finish this fic(because I do plan on having this be a fic with an ending and not just on going). So please let me know if y'all are interested in that and also give me some ideas too for future Harringrove fics! -ShobiWobi

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