Breakfast :)

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The two boys went back inside. Steve went to the kitchen to make popcorn and Billy sat on the couch and picked out a few movies to watch. Steve poured the popcorn in a bowl then sprinkled on some salt. He sat next to Billy on the couch, setting the popcorn on the table. Billy put in the movie then they cuddled up to each other. They watched a marathon of movies. Lots of horror movies especially. They laid cuddled up against each other on the couch. Steve had one arm under a pillow he was laying his head on as he spread his body across the whole couch, with his other arm falling off it. Billy was cuddling Steve from behind, having one arm wrapped around him and his body up against Steve, his other hand holding up his head so he could see the movies. Eventually Steve fell asleep. Once again he didn't have a nightmare like he usually does.

Casually foreshadowing the very last chapter(which will be the next one)

Instead he had a nice dream of him and Billy, they were down by lovers lake. It was nighttime and they were on the hood of Billy's car, looking at the stars. They were pointing out some constellations to each other. "It's so pretty" Steve said. "Not as pretty as you pretty boy"  Billy replied, causing Steve to blush. "I know I'm pretty but I don't think you can get prettier than a night sky littered with stars" Steve said. "Well you must be thinkin' wrong" Billy said, leaning over and planting a small kiss on Steve's cheek,right on one of Steve's moles.

Steve woke up in billy's arms after that. He smiled and turned his head back to look at Billy. Billy was resting his chin on Steve's shoulder. Steve kissed his forehead then slowly and carefully got up. He made breakfast for him and Billy. He made blueberry pancakes and some eggs and bacon. "Mornin' Pretty boy" Billy said, wrapping his arms around Steve's waist and gently kissing his neck as Steve finished cooking the bacon. "Good morning Billy" Steve said,turning his head back to give billy a gentle kiss on his cheek. They made some small talk while Steve finished his cooking. Steve made their plates and they walked into the living room. They put on a show and ate together. They talked and laughed together. They heard a knock at the door before it opened. Before Steve could say anything,all the kids were piled in his house again.

Steve sighed. "There's extra, go get you some" Steve said,used to them coming in and asking for breakfast. They all thanked him and made a plate. Hopper and Joyce also walked in, followed by nancy and jonathan. "God is this just the hangout spot for you guys?" Billy asked. "Apparently so" Steve said. They all got themselves some food and sat around in the living room, watching tv and talking with one another. They payed close attention to Steve, watching as he acted how he used to, chatting and having a genuine smile on his face as well as a happy glow. They were happy he was finally back. They had missed him a lot.

Sure they got used to Steve being so dull, scared and sad, it wasn't easy to get used to but this was definitely a lot easier to get used to for them. Besides the slightly unsettled feeling they all got when he would smile big. They knew it was genuine but at the same time it seemed sorta menacing. But who were they to get in the way of Steve finally being happy. He seemed so happy, and they all realized it was because of Billy. As soon as Billy started to come around Steve was happy. It was slow, he wasn't as bright and glowy as he was now but it was there. And the longer he spends with Billy,the seemingly happier he becomes. Billy seemed to know what he had done too.

He knew he was the reason Steve was so happy so that's why he gave every excuse he could to see him. He didn't know how Steve would react when he was alone again. He knew he would get his ass handed to him when he'd eventually go home but as long as Steve was happy then it would be worth it. "So's the relationship going" Hopper asked. Steve spat out his orange juice. "Excuse me?" Steve asked. "I'm not an idiot, we've known since the other day, you guys don't hide it well" Hopper said. Steve flushed red with embarrassment. "Oh" Steve said. "It's going great, planning on taking him out later tonight" Billy said. "That's nice, to where?" Hopper asked. "Just lovers lake, nothing too fancy but calm and romantic I suppose" Billy said.

"Sounds like it'll be nice, you two have fun, I gotta get to the station" Hopper said, finishing his food and setting his plate in the sink. "Bye hop, have a good day and don't work too hard" Joyce said. "I make no promises on that last part" Hopper said as he walked out the door. "He's gonna work himself to death one of these days I swear" Joyce said. "I'm sure he'll be fine,he's definitely handled worse situations besides thats what you gotta do when you're a police officer, they hardly ever get breaks, especially the police chief" Steve said. "Yeah I guess I shouldn't worry too much about him but I wish he wouldn't work so hard on such small cases" Joyce said. "Sometimes small cases are bigger than you could think, any case is a case no matter what it's about" Steve said. "I suppose you're right" Joyce said.

Steve gave her a small smile before turning his attention back to Billy and their previous conversation. Joyce smiled at the two boys, she liked to see Steve so happy. "Well I've gotta get to work, you guys have fun" Joyce said, getting up. "Alright, have a good day" Steve said. "You too Steve" She said, walking out the door. The rest of them all sat in the living room eating and talking

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