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When Steve heard his alarm he piped up. He was actually happy about school. He didn't know why. He hates it so much. Maybe he was happy that he'd get to see Billy.

He left his room and saw everyone already awake and getting ready. He walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He still looked like shit but he saw a smile on his face which was unusual for him.

He walked downstairs and made breakfast for everyone. They didn't know how to react to Steve's sudden happiness. They figured he'd go back to how he was after a few minutes but he stayed happy the whole morning. That was a new record

He was a little more talkative but he was still relatively quiet. El called hopper, Steve didn't know why but he didn't bother to ask. After they were done eating everyone piled into jonathan and Steve's cars.

Once they arrived and saw Steve was still wearing a small smile on his face everyone seemed to think something was wrong with him. They couldn't tell if it was good or bad. Maybe he was just acting again but it seemed genuine, like he didn't even know he was doing it.

Steve walked in and as soon as he did everyone noticed his smile fade as Tommy instantly came into view. "Loving the look Harrington, maybe a few more bruises would make you look better" Tommy said in his annoying snobby voice.

Steve didn't respond. He didn't need to. "Maybe some bruises on your stupid little face would make you look a little better too" Billy said from behind Tommy. Steve's smile instantly came back. It was a smug one,almost creepy. Tommy backed off after that.

"Thanks Billy" Steve said, walking away from the group with him. The group was frozen with shock. Looking at each other. "Did that just happen or am I dreaming" Nancy said. "It's not a dream we saw it too" Dustin said.

"As I said,anytime Harrington, gotta make sure that your pretty little face doesn't get any more bruises, purple definitely ain't your color" Billy said. The mention of his face being 'pretty' made Steve blush and smile softly. "Never knew the pretty boy could smile" Billy said.

"That's cause I'm usually not happy" Steve said. "And why is that" Billy asked. "Because I don't usually have anything to be happy about, I come to school, get the shit kicked out of me, go home and sleep then repeat" Steve said.

"Well then glad to see I can make you smile,I was a little worried yesterday, I saw how bad they fucked you up, speaking of which how you doing" Billy asked. "Great, I don't look too great but I feel better" Steve said.

The classes came and went. When it was lunch time Steve invited Billy to come sit with the group, not informing everyone else. When Steve came walking,talking and laughing with Billy outside to their picnic table and everyone saw, they figured something was wrong.

"Steve you feeling ok" Jonathan asked. "Yeah I feel great actually" Steve said with a smile. Everyone looked puzzled as Steve continued to chat with Billy, talking like they'd been friends for years. "You sure do talk a lot" Billy said.

Everyone turned their heads toward billy. Steve went silent. "Oh sorry,I just don't talk a whole bunch so when I do I try to get everything out at once" Steve said,clearly embarrassed. "It's fine, I think it's cute, I've never seen you talk this much, I've never seen you talk at all except for yesterday" Billy said. Steve blushed at the fact that Billy thought it was 'cute'.

"Hey Steve, we're gonna come over again today,hope you don't mind" Dustin said. "Not at all, I love having the company, my parents aren't ever home so it's nice" Steve said. The bell rang for lunch to be over and they all walked inside.

Steve and Billy were infront,still talking to each other. The group trailed behind, trying to figure out why Steve was having such a good day. There's no way it was because of billy was there.

The last bell rang and Steve ran to his locker. As he expected he found a Tommy waiting there. "Hargrove isn't here to help you now" Tommy said. A panic washed over Steve. Billy was on the complete opposite side of the school it would take forever for him to get to Steve.

"Steve, come here, Billy said to wait outside" Steve heard jonathan yell. He smirked at Tommy. Tommy growled as Steve walked over to jonathan. A wide smile on his face. Everyone was freaked out by his happiness.

Billy met them outside then they all split into different cars and drove to Steve's. Once they got there they were greeted by hopper and Joyce who were smoking on Steve's porch. "Hey Hop,hey Joyce" Steve said, opening the door and walking inside.

Just those words were enough to make hopper and Joyce believe something was wrong. As everyone piled into Steve's he went up to his room. He didn't say why, he just snuck away as everyone freaked out about his happiness.

When he got to his room he changed, or at least was going to. As soon as he lifted his arms up he felt a shooting pain shoot through his entire body. He screamed and collapsed. He gripped his side with the broken rib as he squeezed his eyes shut,letting tears fall from his eyes.

He saw as his door flung open. Everyone was taken aback by the sight. The previously incredibly happy boy was now sobbing on the floor for no reason that was apparent to them.

That was until Billy noticed Steve holding his side. "He's in pain" Billy said, picking Steve up and gaining a whimper from Steve. "Is he hurt, maybe Tommy got to him today without us knowing." Dustin said. "Well no shit he's hurt but that's impossible I was with him all day" Billy said. He hadn't left Steve alone at all except for at the end of the day but Tommy didn't do anything.

"Maybe it's from yesterday, maybe they did some internal damage" Nancy suggested. "Rib" Steve muttered out. "They broke his ribs" Hopper said, making it seem like a question at the end. Steve nodded slightly. Billy took off with Steve. He set him in his car and wasted no time driving off.

"Well then" Max said as they all stood on the porch, watching. "Whats with those two lately, they just became so close so suddenly" Jonathan said. "I don't know but I mean Steve seems happy" Nancy said. They all still thought it was strange.

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