In the library

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A bit suggestive but no smut

Steve felt a pair of lips push against his own. He was a little shocked but started to sink into the kiss. Billy pulled away and smirked. Billy led Steve to the farthest part of the library. He pinned Steve up against the shelf and kissed him again. He kissed him very roughly this time. Steve enjoyed it. He wrapped his arms around Billy's neck as they kissed.

Billy slid his hands up Steve's sweater and explored around the smaller boys body, gaining small sounds from Steve. Steve tangled his hands in billy's hair. Playing with it and pulling on it. Billy groaned quietly as they kissed. Billy placed his hands on Steve's lower back before slowly sliding them down.

Steve shivered at the touch. He often flinched when people would touch him but for some reason he never did with Billy. He enjoys Billy's touch. He broke the kiss and looked up at Billy. Billy had a smirk on his face. He licked his lips as he looked down at Steve, thinking of all the ways he could easily dominate him and all the nasty things he could do to him.

Billy moved to Steve's neck, kissing and gently biting at his soft skin. Steve hummed and tugged slightly on Billy's hair. Before they could continue they heard the bell ring. "It's already been a whole period?" Billy said. "Time flies when you're having fun" Steve said with a soft smile.

They grabbed their bags and snuck out into the crowd of people. This was their last class of the day. Billy walked Steve to art class then walked to his own. Steve sat at his desk and was pretty dazed. He thought about what just happened.

Steve hadn't kissed or dated anyone since he broke up with Nancy. After they broke up he was too focused on the things happening around them. Then he just thought he was better off alone besides he couldn't get anyone else anyway,no one liked him anymore. Or so he thought at least.

He'd always admired Billy. He's had a small crush on him,even after Billy beat him to near death but no matter what he always had that small feeling. He felt the electricity between them. Now more than ever. It was more of a small spark before but recently it's been stronger.

And especially now. Billy has always been sorta flirty to Steve. Most notably his nicknames for him. Pretty boy,Stevie, Stevie boy. And the constant mentioning of him or things he does being cute or adorable. He would sorta pick on Steve but playfully he didn't do it to be mean. And last night when he cuddled up with Steve after Steve had the nightmare.

It was all so new but comforting in a way. Steve was happy to be able to be how he used to. He'll never be the same after everything that happened but that was fine, as long as he was starting to get there then that was okay with him. Art class flew by. Before he knew it the bell had rang. He grabbed his project and walked out.

Sorry short chapter lol :)

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