Morning make out

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Yet another suggestive warning, still no smut, probably will save that for the last chapter

"c'mon stevie wake up" Billy said,poking Steve's cheek. Steve grumbled but refused to get up. "We're gonna be late pretty boy" Billy said. "I don't care I don't wanna go" Steve said. "Is it because of what happened yesterday?" Billy asked. "Sorta,I'm also tired" Steve said. "You wanna stay home today, I can drive the kids to school" Billy said. "I don't wanna be alone though" Steve whined. "It'll only be for like 20 minutes" Billy said. "Fineee" Steve mumbled. Steve moved off Billy then Billy walked out. He told the kids that they were going with him today and that Steve didn't feel like going because of what happened yesterday.

They all understood and Billy drove the kids to school. He dropped them off then drove back to Steve. Steve hadn't gotten out of bed still. He was lying on his side asleep facing the door. Billy smiled when he walked back in. He walked over to the bed and cuddled back up to Steve from behind. He placed his head in the crook of Steve's neck and kissed it gently. He gained a small hum from Steve. He kissed around a little more. "B-billy" Steve mumbled, turning his head back. "Relax,I'm not gonna do anything, I'm just being affectionate" Billy said. Steve turned all the way around. He had a small blush to his cheeks.

"Kiss me Hargrove" Steve said. Billy smiled and obliged, kissing Steve. The kiss got heated real fast. Their tongues were exploring each others mouths. Billy gradually got overtop Steve. He broke the kiss leaving a small string of saliva connecting from their mouths. Billy licked his lips,again thinking of all the naughty things he could do to the smaller boy,now with nothing to interrupt them. Billy moved to Steve's neck, planting a single kiss before looking up at Steve to see if he was okay with it. Steve nodded his head. He didn't know how far Billy would take it but he was willing to find out to an extent. Billy went along,kissing and sucking on Steve's neck. He gained small noises from Steve.

Billy slid a hand under Steve's shirt, feeling around Steve's chest. "S-so warm" Steve mumbled at the feeling of Billy's hand against his chest. Billy let out a small chuckle. Billy trailed his hand down Steve's side. He was about to slide it into Steve's boxers but Steve grabbed his hand. Billy looked up at Steve with a questioning look. "I-i don't know if I'm ready for that yet, I'm sorry" Steve said,very embarrassed. "Hey don't apologize, we'll go at our own pace, if you're not ready for it then we can wait until you are" Billy said,kissing Steve's cheek. "Thank you" Steve said with a smile. "Of course, we will only go that far when we're both ready" Billy said,laying back down next to Steve.

"Cuddles?" Steve said. "Sure stevie boy" Billy said. Billy cuddled up to Steve. "You're so warm" Steve mumbled, feeling the heat radiate off the californian boy. "You're just always cold" Billy said, snuggling his head in the crook of Steve's neck. "I love you" Steve said,reaching his hand around and stroking the other boys hair. "I love you too" Billy said,planting a gentle kiss on Steve's neck. "Hey uh, thank you for everything you've been doing for me, never would've expected this type of stuff out of you know,the Billy Hargrove,king of the hawkins high,so uh thanks" Steve said. "No problem Pretty boy, I couldn't just stand around watching them do that to you it was hard enough to see you come to school everyday with some new bruise or cut, but seeing everything they did to you during practice,all the stuff they would do after school just pushed me over the edge, I'm sorry I never stepped in sooner" Billy said.

"Don't apologize,you didn't know what to do in that situation,and as you said it would've been the whole basketball team against you which wouldn't have been a fair fight" Steve said. "You know I would fight them all in a heartbeat just for you" Billy said. "But I won't let you do that,I don't care how horrible they are you'll end up killing them" Steve said. "I'll just say it was self defense, then it's legal" Billy said. "No you're not killing anyone, no matter how much they deserve it" Steve said with a light chuckle. "We'll just tell the government one of them demo whatever's did it" Billy said. "Alright that's enough murder talk, jesus I'm starting to think you'll actually do it" Steve said. "Oh I will,only if you ask me to though, any other time it'll be on accident" Billy said.

"God you're a psychopath, maybe that's why I love you so god damn much" Steve said, kissing Billy's cheek. "Listen I'll just fuck people up if they hurt my stevie boy,any other time I was provoked or I was drunk as hell" Billy said. "Your stevie boy?" Steve said. "You're mine aren't you" Billy said. "Yeah I am I just think it's cute" Steve said. "Nothing is cuter than you pretty boy" Billy said.

~Later that day~

Steve and Billy were on the couch binge watching movies. Suddenly the phone rings. Steve got up and answered it. "Steve! Where the hell are you we've been waiting for almost two hours!" Dustin yelled through the phone "Oh shit I'm sorry I lost track of time!" Steve said. "It's been raining and we got locked out of school! We've been waiting for almost two hours and I'm pretty sure Will has a cold now! You're gonna be the one to explain why he's sick to Mrs. Byers you forgetful piece of shit!" Dustin yelled. "I'm sorry I'll be there in a few!" Steve yelled before hanging up the phone. "Shit shit shit!" Steve yelled, putting on his shoes. "What what's wrong" Billy asked. "I forgot to pick up the kids and now one of them has a cold because it's been raining" Steve said, nearly tearing the door off it's hinges as he rushed out with Billy following behind him.

They both got in their own cars and sped to the school. "There you guys are,What the hell?!" Dustin yelled,hopping into Steve's car. "I'm sorry we were watching some movies and we got distracted,and you know I don't do well on rainy days" Steve said. "I know but cmon, two hours,do we mean nothing to you now?!" Dustin asked. "No of course you guys mean something to me, I was simply distracted, now buckle up I'm driving you fuckers home, Will you're last because your mom is going to kill me" Steve said. "Okay and I promise she's harmless" Will said. "I wouldn't say that but whatever you say kid" Steve said, speeding off.

After dropping off Will and getting an earful from Joyce and jonathan, Steve headed home where Billy waited for him. "Finally,god what, you busy making plans with their parents or some shit jesus" Billy said. "Nope just getting an earful for forgetting about them all" Steve said. "Tell me about it, got a good few hits from my old man, apparently max got a cold too" Billy said. Steve's brow furrowed. "It's fine pretty boy I'm used to it" Billy said. "You shouldn't have to be used to that" Steve said. "And you shouldn't have to be used to getting the shit beat out of you either" Billy said. "Fair point" Steve said. "C'mon lets go watch some more movies" Billy said. "Movie date!" Steve said with a smile. "Whatever you wanna call it pretty boy" Billy said, kissing Steve's cheek.

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