1.07 Reign of Fireworms

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Ragnar frowns at the burning patches of forest below them as they all fly over.

"It began with one Fireworm," Fishlegs explains, "and as we were flying back, we kept seeing more and more."

Astrid narrows her eyes in thought. "Do you think they're migrating?"

"If they were migrating the whole island would be on fire," Hiccup points out.

"Not necessarily."

Snotlout rolls his eyes when Fishlegs takes on his lecturing tone. "Here we go."

"When Fireworms migrate, they send out scouts to see if their migration route is safe. If this is a stop along that route-"

"-an entire flock of Fireworms could be coming through here," Astrid finishes in realization.

"So, the whole island might end up on fire anyway," Ragnar concludes. "Lovely."

Tuffnut pumps his fist in excitement. "Well, I say bring 'em on!" He leans against one of Belch's horns. "I love those little scorchers."

"Are you still gonna love them when they all land here and burn our entire island to the ground?" Hiccup asks flatly.

"Yes. Wait. No. Wait." Tuffnut turns to look at him. "Is that a trick question? Because it's pretty tricky."

Ragnar sighs. "Only to a Thorston. To anyone else it's pretty straight forward."

Astrid ignores Tuffnut's antics with the ease of long practice. "Fishlegs, how much time do we have?" she asks.

"Uh, it's- it's hard to say." He looks up in thought, quickly doing the mental math. "If it's a full migration, the rest of them could be here... as soon as next week."

"Huh. Good to know." Snotlout pulls back on Hoofkang's horns so he'll turn. "It's been nice knowing you, island. Snotlout is outlout!"

Hiccup sighs. "We're not abandoning the island, Snotlout."

"Uh, yeah we are," he protests. "Watch." He jerks back slightly when Toothless flies over to hover in front of Hookfang.

"Guys, we put too much hard work into this place just to leave."

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere," Ragnar claims. "I've got built-in shelves and a forest full of useful resources. I'm attached."

Hiccup sends him a smile, silently pleased at how much the healer appreciates the shelves he built him. "Exactly. Snotlout is not outlout because we're staying. Now let's get to work."

Snotlout huffs in annoyance. "Fine! But I still like my plan better," he adds in a mutter.

He flies off without another word as they all go to prepare their island for the incoming Fireworm migration.

Later, they all (bar the twins) meet at the Clubhouse to see how much progress they've made.

"Okay, Astrid. You and Fishlegs filled the watering troughs, right?" Hiccup asks from his seat on the main table.

Fishlegs is sitting in a chair like a normal person while Snotlout has his own leaned back on two legs with his feet kicked up on the table.

Astrid nods as she gestures at the doorway behind her. "Yup. Topped off all the barrels too."

Fishlegs raises his hand. "Ooh, I found a perfect cave for the Night Terrors- high enough and desolate enough so the flames won't get near them."

"And I found a safe place for Ruff and Tuff's boars," Ragnar says. He crosses his arms with a shrug from where he's leaning back against the table beside Hiccup, close enough the cool metal of his prosthetic presses against his leg. "I doubt the fires would reach them anyway, but just to be sure."

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