1.08 Crushing It

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The Rumblehorn terrorizing the Edge is causing more problems than any of them expected when it first showed up. The Clubhouse serves as more than the usual headquarters as they all spend the night and takes shifts for watch so they can hopefully catch the rampaging dragon.

Snotlout is on watch at the moment and it's his frantic screams that wake everyone else up.

"Intruder alert!" he screams, running around on fire from the alarm system he set up with Hookfang. "Intruder alert!"

Ragnar jerks awake from his place leaning against Nightshade's neck, one hand automatically reaching for his bag. He watches with a slow, still half-asleep blink as Snotlout manages to jump into a small trough of water and extinguish himself.

"Ah, sweet relief," Snotlout sighs.

"The Rumblehorn!" Hiccup cries. He jumps up from his place on Toothless and hurries over to the map pinned to the wall. He studies it for a second then points at a specific spot. "It's headed for the eastern beach."

Ragnar blows a loose strand of hair out of his face and climbs into Nightshade's saddle. "Come on then. Let's go see if we can catch it this time."

They all take off on their dragons, quickly making their way to a small clearing where their net trap has been sprung.

"Finally. We got it!" Hiccup says triumphantly. "Everybody stay back."

Ragnar tilts his head as he studies the captured form, paying no mind to the way Hiccup moves to stand slightly in front of him. "Uh, Hic? Are we sure that's the Rumblehorn?"

"Yeah," Tuffnut agrees. He plugs his nose. "I didn't think it would be so smelly."

"I didn't think it would be so hairy," Ruffnut adds, holding her lantern higher in an attempt to see the dragon in detail.

The familiar voice that comes from the net, however, quickly proves it's not a dragon at all.

"You try shaving with a hook for an arm," Gobber tells them.

Tuffnut jerks backward. "The Rumblehorn talks!" he exclaims in surprise before his tone quickly changes. "Quick. Smack it."

"Cut me down, you simpleton!" Gobber snaps.

"And it's got a bad attitude," Ruffnut decides.

Gobber rolls his eyes. "Ah, never mind." He holds up his hook prosthetic and easily slices through the net, quickly sending himself to the ground. He catches himself on his intact leg and arm.

Tuffnut scratches the back of his head, genuinely confused. "Gobber, what did you do with our Rumblehorn?"

Ragnar pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "It was never here, Tuff," he explains, tone just this side of patient. "We never caught it."

"Rumblehorn?" Gobber repeats curiously. "What's a Rumblehorn?"

"A new dragon that's been trying to chase us off the island," Fishlegs explains.

Astrid nods. "Yeah. Us and everything else."

"We've been trying to catch it and relocate it," Hiccup adds.

Snotlout scoffs from where he's leaning against Hookfang. "Yet, we caught you. Yay, us," he says sarcastically.

"You're trying to catch a dragon with a net that can't hold a one-armed, one-legged Viking?" Gobber asks in disbelief. He rolls his eyes. "Amateurs."

Ragnar shrugs and reaches over to scratch under Nightshade's jaw. "We don't wanna hurt the Rumblehorn," he points out, smiling and scratching Toothless with the other hand when he makes his way over with a needy whine.

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