2.07 Snow Way Out

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Ragnar watches with a frown as Toothless' armor falls away in pieces. Snotlout manages to hit him in the chest with an arrow, leaving behind a bright splash of color.

"Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!" he cheers.

Hiccup sighs. "Nice shot, Snotlout," he reluctantly admits only to rear back in irritation when a second arrow hits him in the chest. "Really?"

Ragnar punches Snotlout in the shoulder for it, easily ignoring his pained yelp and complaints of bruises as he climbs down from the large crossbow they have set up.

Toothless waits for Ragnar to reach the floorboards before he sends a small plasma blast at the machine, successfully knocking Snotlout down after him.

"Nice shot, Toothless," Ragnar tells him with a grin.

They've spent all day testing the new armor and the sun has fully fallen below the horizon when Fishlegs admits defeat.

He groans in frustration as he meets them on the landing platform. "Ugh. I really thought we had it this time."

"Hey, this batch of Gronkle iron armor lasted longer than the last one," Hiccup points out.

"Yes, but not long enough," Tuffnut says before he looks up in thought. "Wait. Unless you wanted Hiccup to get shot down."

Ragnar rolls his eyes with a sigh. "That is not what happened."

"Interesting hypothesis, brother," Ruffnut says, completely ignoring him.

Tuffnut goes over to Fishlegs and puts his finger right in his face. "Why are you trying to kill Hiccup?" he demands.

Fishlegs scoffs. "I'm not trying to kill Hiccup," he tells him, wondering at the fact he has to say it at all.

"That's exactly what someone trying to kill Hiccup would say."

"Indeed," Ruffnut agrees as she moves in on Fishlegs' other side. "We're keeping our eye on you, pal."

Tuffnut points at his own left eye. "Our good eye."

Fishlegs huffs. "I am not trying to kill Hiccup," he repeats in frustration. He gestures at him and Ragnar. "Not only do I have absolutely no reason to, but do I look like I want Ragnar to kill me?"

"Hm. That's true," Ruffnut admits. "He would."

Tuffnut is quick to agree. "Oh, absolutely. Not a doubt in my mind."

Hiccup glances at Ragnar beside him and can't help the way something in his chest warms when the healer tilts his head in silent agreement.

"So, what do we try next?" Fishlegs asks.

"The main problem seems to be that it's too heavy," Ragnar says thoughtfully. "It just falls off and it limits the dragons' mobility."

"Ragnar's right," Hiccup agrees.

Snotlout rolls his eyes. "Of course, he is," he mutters with a smirk.

"I think we have to go thinner," Hiccup goes on. "That should make it lighter and more flexible."

"But it won't make it Snotlout-proof," Snotlout says with a cocky smile. "Nothing can." He chuckles. "It's a good thing for you guys that I'm on your side."

Ragnar smirks when Stormfly (having just arrived back on Berk with her rider) proceeds to headbutt Snotlout and knock him to the ground. "Oh, yeah," he says dryly. "We sure are celebrating it."

Nightshade gives a short trill that can only be read as amused, completely unaffected by the glare Snotlout shoots them both.

"Shut up, Ragnar," he mutters.

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