2.04 Bad Moon Rising

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"Are you sure you've got the recipe right?" Gobber asks.

"Of course, I'm sure," Fishlegs assures him. "Three parts limestone."

Snotlout cheers as Hookfang blasts the Gronkle iron training dummy they've set up. It remains undamaged.

Gobber nods. "Uh-huh. Three parts limestone."

Fishlegs high-fives him. "Uh-huh. Two parts sandstone."

"Sandstone, check," Gobber says as they watch Toothless also fail to damage the dummy.

"One part iron ore," Fishlegs goes on with another-high-five. "Up high. Down low."

"Yeah!" Gobber says with a chuckle.

Fishlegs lowers his voice. "And now, the secret ingredient," he says over Barf and Belch's attempts to stomp the training dummy. "One giant spoon of cooled and hardened Gronkle lava."

"Gronkle lava. Of course!" Gobber exclaims.

"I have to say, Fishlegs, you did good," Ragnar tells him with an impressed smile. Said smile falls into a disappointed but not surprised look when he sees Ruffnut join the Zippleback in biting the Gronkle iron.

Meatlug spits up a puddle of molten rock and Fishlegs gestures at it grandly.

"Voilà! You have Gronkle iron."

"Alright," Astrid says slowly, a little skeptical still as she makes her way over. "Let's see how your Gronkle iron holds up against a close-range spine shot."

"Be our guests," Fishlegs agrees.

Astrid turns and gestures at Stormfly. "Stormfly, spines."

They all watch the blue Nadder get ready to attack the iron dummy herself. Just as she prepares her tail, however, a noticeably disheveled Tuffnut wanders in front of it.

"Giant," he mutters, apparently too dazed to even notice what's happening around him. "Furry. Teeth."

Ragnar and Hiccup's eyes widen at the same time when they notice where he is.

"Tuff, no!" Hiccup calls.

"Even the teeth were furry," Tuffnut goes on, still completely oblivious.

Thankfully, Stormfly's aim proves true and she manages to only hit the training dummy rather than the Viking dummy standing in front of it.

"Thank Loki!" Tuffnut exclaims when he finally notices them. "You guys are not gonna believe what just happened to me. It was-"

He doesn't get to finish as the dummy falls into him and knocks him flat on the arena floor.

"That seems about right," Ragnar says, already going over to check on him.

Tuffnut holds up one finger, still face down on the ground. "We'll talk in a little bit."

It only takes a few minutes for all of them to move to the Clubhouse. Ragnar has to support about half of Tuffnut's weight to get him there but, by the time he's looking him over for injuries, the other blond has recovered enough to share his story.

"There I was, me and my inner nut," he says dramatically.

"Tuff, what happened out there?" Hiccup asks from the stool beside him.

Ragnar interrupts before he can explain, carefully prodding at a mark on his right arm. "What bit you?" he murmurs, more to himself than anything.

Tuffnut pulls his arm away with a huff. "Don't ruin the story, Ragnar. Let me tell it." He takes a deep breath before he resumes his dramatic tale. "It was dark. So dark. Not even the moon to light my merry way."

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