3.05 Buffalord Soldier

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An early morning patrol with Astrid is nothing Ragnar will ever complain about, even as much as he enjoys sleeping in. He likes spending time with his cousin and, on the chance she does actually run into Hunters or any other trouble, he likes knowing he's right there to help her.

Besides, Nightshade and Stormfly enjoy racing around the sea stacks.

Astrid smiles as they clear a section of the rock formations to fly more calmly over open water. "Alpha quadrant checks out," she says, satisfied as she pulls out a map and marks it. "Nothing but water and-"

"Uh, Astrid?" Ragnar interrupts, narrowing his eyes when he sees a looming shape in the distance. "Might wanna check again."

"Huh," Astrid mutters. She puts the map away and pulls out a spyglass instead. "It's a ship."

"Dragon Hunters?"

"I'm not sure. Let's get a closer look."

Ragnar sighs to himself as she urges Stormfly toward it, silently wondering at the type of people he's chosen to surround himself with. Still, he doesn't hesitate to lead Nightshade after them.

The ship isn't moving when they touch down on an empty deck. There are no people in sight. The two of them share an uneasy look as they dismount, simultaneously unsheathing their axes.

A hand signal from Astrid is enough to have their Nadders also on guard, spiked tails ready to attack if needed.

After a tense moment of silence and with no signs of any other life, Astrid relaxes and turns back to their dragons.

"Abandoned," she says. "Let's get out of here."

A muffled sound from below deck contradicts her.

"That doesn't sound good," Ragnar murmurs, more than aware of the bad feeling rising in his chest.

"Hello?" Astrid calls, cautious but not overtly threatening even with her axe in hand. She leads the way toward the hallway that heads below. "Hello? Is someone there?"

They get no answer and, with another uneasy look, continue down. Eventually, they hit what seems to be an invisible wall of sorts. Astrid, Stormfly, and Nightshade all rear back.

"Ugh. What is that smell?" Astrid asks, crinkling her nose and waving her free hand in front of her face.

Ragnar grabs her arm and pulls her to a stop. "Sickness," he says gravely, recognizing the air of a full healers' space. "That smell is sickness and decay."

She stares at him with wide eyes. "Decay? But then that means..."

He nods silently, sheathing his axe as he reaches into the bag on his hip. He pulls out a roll of thick bandages, unravels it, then holds it out in front of him. "Here. Cut it through the middle."

Astrid quickly slices through the fabric with one swipe then puts her own axe away.

Ragnar passes her one of the strips. "Wrap that over your nose and mouth," he tells her, already doing the same with his. "I'd ask you to stay back, but I know that's not gonna happen."

"Absolutely not," she confirms, tying the bandage behind her head. She grabs a torch off the wall. "Stormfly."

Stormfly sends a small blast at the torch, and they can suddenly see the space around them.

"Don't touch anything," Ragnar warns, leading the way this time even as Astrid carries the light. His lips are set in a grim line behind his impromptu mask and his brow furrows when they enter the ship's brig.

Empty cages aren't the only thing they find.

He pays no attention to the shocked gasp Astrid lets out when the first body comes into view. He only leans down to check for a pulse he already knows he won't find.

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