2.09 Edge of Disaster, part 2

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"Come on, Astrid!" Tuffnut calls, hands ready on the ballista as the Hunters' ships steadily come within range. "My hammies are starting to cramp."

"Wait for it," she tells him, glancing one last time at the Dragon Eye she hid before she looks back at the ships. "Now!"

A volley of oversized arrows flies toward the front-most ship. Holes pierced through the sides and the sails are enough to start it slowly sinking.

"That's one down," Ragnar says as he and Astrid climb into their saddles. "And plenty more to go."

Astrid gives him an agreeing look before Stormfly leads the way up to the ballista where Tuffnut is busy celebrating his shot.

"Who kicks Dragon Hunter butt?" he sings. "Tuffnut kicks Dragon Hunter butt. Who kicks-"

"Let's not start kissing our own butts yet," Astrid warns him.

Tuffnut blinks up at her. "I didn't even know that was possible," he says with a glance behind himself.

"Stop that thought process now," Ragnar tells him firmly. A bit of chaos is all well and good, but sometimes it's best to stop a Thorston as soon as possible.

Astrid's lips twitch up at the corners in amusement only for a glance at the approaching Hunters to remind her of the seriousness of their situation. "This thing is far from over." She looks directly at Tuffnut. "Go!"

Tuffnut immediately leaps down from the ballista. He slides down Astrid's roof and grabs the zipline. To even his own surprise, he lands safely in front of one of their catapults, quickly firing it in the ships' direction.

Ragnar watches in satisfaction as the flaming projectile hits a ship, blasting a hole in the side and setting the deck on fire. "Monstrous Nightmare gel," he says with a nod. "It does come in handy."

Nightshade chirps in agreement before she takes off. She grabs Tuffnut in her claws as she and Stormfly both fly toward the next phase of their plan.

"Hey, Astrid," Tuffnut calls, quickly getting over his surprise at being airborne all of a sudden. "I was thinking. You know what would be great?"

"If we stuck with what seems to be working really well?" she asks.

"Uh, no," he says. "That wasn't it at all. I was thinking-"

"Save it, Tuff. That's what we're doing."

Ragnar sighs to himself. "Astrid, the whole point of agreeing to give Tuffnut's tricks a chance is to actually give them a chance," he reminds her.

"We're doing what we know works," Astrid says firmly. "We can't afford to take chances. Not right now."

Ragnar sighs again but nods in reluctant agreement. He knows she'll eventually come around. It's just a matter of getting to that point.

Tuffnut, on the other hand, scowls at her as best he can from his position in Nightshade's grip. "Neh!" he mocks, sticking his tongue out in her direction.

Once they drop Tuffnut off in the Clubhouse, the resident Nadder riders head for one of the last traps Astrid was able to set up.

"Okay, Stormfly. Spine shots. Right where we practiced," Astrid directs.

Stormfly slings her tail at the bottom of the stacked logs and sends them all barreling over the side of the cliff and toward the three Dragon Hunters below.

Astrid watches with a furrowed brow as they all turn and run for cover. "That better be the last of them," she says, patting Stormfly's neck. "'Cause that's all we got, girl."

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