2.10 Shock and Awe

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Ragnar leans against Nightshade's side as he listens to Fishlegs try to explain what he saw in Edge Cove.

"It had two heads, maybe three," he tells them, "and it made this weird sound like nothing I'd ever heard before. It was like a- like..."

Nightshade gives a short trill that somehow sounds both skeptical and very judgmental when he tries to imitate the apparent sound.

"Stop," Ragnar tells her, trying and failing not to sound amused. "Be nice, girl."

She nuzzles against his shoulder in silent agreement but doesn't apologize. Ragnar only sighs and pats her cheek. It's not like he actually expected her to feel bad about it. He knows his girl too well for that.

"Oh, my Thor! That's incredible, Fishlegs!" Snotlout exclaims, full of false enthusiasm.

Fishlegs doesn't pick up on it. "I know, right?"

"Wrong!" Snotlout snaps. "Not getting me on Loki Day."

Ragnar smirks as he pushes off Nightshade and walks over to stand beside Hiccup. "Should we tell him?" he asks.

"Nah," Astrid says from his other side. "He'll find out."

"If it isn't already obvious to you all," Snotlout goes on, "I am way smarter than-"

They all watch as Snotlout steps inside the trap the twins set up in the Clubhouse's doorway. The rope wraps around his ankle, and he quickly finds himself dangling upside down.

"Obviously," Fishlegs says flatly. "Much smarter."

The twins appear on either side of their newest victim. "Loki'd!" they cheer.

Snotlout rolls his eyes. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Fine. You got me, but I still don't believe Fishlegs about that creature in the lagoon."

"Creature in the Edge Lagoon," Tuffnut says, sweeping one arm dramatically in front of him like he's presenting a title. "Just when you thought it was safe to take a bath in a lagoon."

A beat of silence fills the room as he looks around happily like he expects praise. Instead, he gets a question.

"Tuff, have you been bathing in the lagoon?" Ragnar asks, genuinely concerned about any of the poor creatures swimming in it.

Hiccup grimaces at the thought. "Gods, let's hope not," he mutters before he pauses and thinks for a second. "Then again, at least he'd be bathing."

"True," Ragnar agrees.

"Okay..." Snotlout says slowly. He looks at the others for some kind of help. "Any day now."

"Toothless," Hiccup prompts.

Toothless sends a small plasma blast at the rope holding him upside down. It immediately snaps and sends Snotlout crashing to the ground.

"Thanks. Much appreciated."

Ragnar rolls his eyes and walks over to check on him. "Alright, Snotlout," he says as he crouches beside the downed Viking. "You know the drill. How many fingers?"

Snotlout slowly sits up, blinking and shaking his head a little to clear it. "Three."

"Good and..." Ragnar grabs his chin and tilts his head in either direction to study his eyes. "Pupils look fine. You don't have a concussion. Somehow. Despite once again landing directly on your head," he adds dryly.

"I have a very thick skull," Snotlout says proudly.

Ragnar starts to say something before he thinks better of it, shaking his head and standing back up. "I'm just gonna leave that one alone," he mutters, gently knocking his shoulder against Hiccup's when he gives him an amused look.

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